VI. Nightmares

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The first time Bellamy heard Clarke having a nightmare, he stiffened.

It happened in the middle of the night. Bellamy was awake, walking around the camp, surveying the wall they had recently built, and trying to ignore the thoughts that were plaguing his mind. He was passing by Clarke's tent when he heard her whimper.

Instinctively, he lifted up the piece of fabric and poked his head in. Bellamy saw her sleeping, her face contorted in pain and body wriggling in discomfort. It was odd, seeing her so vulnerable.

A large part of him didn't even want to bother with her. After all, he hardly knew anything about this girl, except that she was a stubborn, stuck-up princess.

Still, it had been two days since she mercy killed Atom and a day since her childhood best friend had been murdered. No one deserved to deal with the horrible nightmares that came along with those tragedies.

He thought of how Clarke had handled the situations with a sort of intense grace, refusing to break down and continuing to boss people around . He thought of how, when he was shaking and unable to kill Atom, she had taken the knife from him and ended his suffering almost angelically.

Maybe he owed her one.

Hesitantly, Bellamy approached her sleeping bag, questioning what the hell he was even doing. He bent over, and tapped her shoulder.

"Clarke," He whispered. "Wake up, Clarke."

She automatically opened her eyes. No one slept soundly on Earth, he supposed. But there was a sort of sad daze in Clarke's glance, and sweat laid on her forehead.

"Bellamy?" She asked, incredulously. "Why are you here? What's wrong?"

Somehow, Bellamy felt even more uncomfortable than before. He stood up straight and took several steps back. "Nothing. I was— You were just having a nightmare. I wanted to see if you were okay, and I figured it was better to wake you."

Clarke still looked confused, but her eyes softened. "Oh... Thanks, I guess."

He foolishly found himself trying not to smile. "Anytime. Try not to think about all the bad stuff, and get some rest."

Before he could make an even bigger idiot of himself, Bellamy exited the tent, shaking his head.

• • •

The second time Bellamy heard Clarke having a nightmare, he felt his heart ache.

It had been a few days since they found Finn after the massacre at the grounder village. Clarke had been extremely distant and quiet, but Bellamy knew that it had impacted her. Everything had— the war, being inside the mountain, Finn.

Bellamy knew she was strong, but even he was wondering how much more she could take.

Since they reunited, Clarke, Bellamy, and Raven had been sharing a tent. Though it was the middle of the night, typical Raven was out, fixing the radios, determined to solve the frequency issue so they could save their friends in Mount Weather. That left just him and Clarke.

Clarke had fallen asleep earlier, but as usual, Bellamy was awake. He had noticed her tossing and turning for a while, and didn't think much of it. Suddenly, she let out a small cry, and started muttering.

Automatically, Bellamy stood up and walked over to her cot. "Clarke?" He asked, shaking her shoulder. "Clarke!"

After a moment, Clarke opened her eyes, and she looked like she was about to cry. Her lower lip quivered. Her breathing was fast and unsteady. The sight sent a pang through his chest.

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