XI. Alone with You

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Clarke made deliberate, small strokes with her colored pencil, the campfire her only source of light. She snuck glances at Bellamy, sitting across from her, as she drew his stark features on one of the last pieces of paper she had.

Bellamy looked tired, exhausted from a day of searching for another bunker that may save their people from Praimfaya. The had gone out alone, but didn't have any luck. It was getting late, so they decided to camp out for the night before heading back, since they had brought tents.

The forest was quiet, and the stars lit up the sky. On nights like this, Bellamy and Clarke felt like the only two people on the planet. He sat by the fire, leaning against a tree trunk, lost in thought, and she drew.

Usually, Bellamy left Clarke alone when she was drawing— he knew it was her outlet and that she was typically private about her sketches— but that evening he couldn't help but notice her gaze on him.

"What're you drawing?" he asked gently.

Clarke automatically felt her cheeks redden, and she hoped he couldn't see them in the darkness. How was it possible that she felt so incredibly comfortable and intimate with Bellamy, yet she occasionally got so nervous around him? He put her mind at ease and butterflies in her stomach. She didn't understand how one person could do both.

"Oh, nothing, really," she said, placing the sketch down.

"I don't want to make you uncomfortable... but could I see? I've hardly seen any of your art."

She hesitated, nervous, but the world was ending soon and it was Bellamy, so she said, "Yeah."

He moved so he was sitting beside her, and Clarke found herself wondering for the hundredth time why they just didn't just always stay next to each other. His presence was nice.

Slowly, she showed him the drawing— his own face, almost complete, as she was just adding the finishing touches. He looked peaceful, his eyes full of content, his lips relaxed. Clarke was a little horrified when she realized how intimate the sketch was. She drew the little scar he had beneath his nose and all his little freckles, even though she couldn't see them in the darkness. She had already memorized where they sat on his face.

He took the paper in his hands, examining it. "Wow, Clarke, you're really talented."

"Thanks, Bell."

He ran his fingers over the drawing and whispered, "I must look pretty happy when I'm with you."

She shrugged. "You look like that a lot."

"Really?" He raises his eyebrows.

"You look like that when you're with Octavia, or when you're helping one of the younger kids. You get the same peaceful look in your eyes when you're by the creek, or any water, really. It's only for short moments in time, though," she said, unable to resist reaching up and touching one of his curls. She gently pushed it out of his eyes.

"I think it's mostly when I'm with you," Bellamy replied, his voice soft. "You're the only one who makes me feel like I have any of this under control."

She smiled. "That's what I'm here for."

They stared into each other's eyes for a moment, and it felt like there was a spark. Like maybe this was the moment all the turmoil and tension would break. Looking at him, Clarke swore she saw something that resembled adoration in his gaze. Looking at her, Bellamy knew he saw this overflow of compassion and partnership from the girl he was so sure he loved.

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