Paint Job - Luke Hemmings

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You and Luke just finished painting 3\4th of the walls in your new house. He proposed to you last year and you just moved in together. This week he said he wanted to paint the bedroom turquoise, with black dots which you agreed to.

You only have one more wall to do and you told Luke you would paint it while he sets up the TV downstairs.

You go to the bucket of paint in the corner and pour it into the pan. All 3 walls are dry besides the blank white one. You dip the giant paint brush in the paint and you start on the wall. You're halfway done when Luke walks in; startling you and causing you to fall on your face. Unfortunately your hands landed in the pan of paint, black paint.

"Luke!" you yell, " What the-"

"Baby I'm sorry," he said laughing, "here lemme help you." He held his hand out to you. You took the opportunity to pull him down with you.



"Well you had it coming," you said and took his hands in yours and stuck them in the bucket of black paint. Then you got up and started running away from a now angry Luke.


)!! Come Here!!" He came running after you with a paint loaded brush, you squeal ans jump around him. Then you go back to the bedroom, and he swipes he brush across your shirt.

"Lucas Hemmings!" you yell at him, taking off your over sized shirt, and leaving the camisole on. You swiped your black painted hands on his shirt.

"Really?" he sighed taking his shirt off. Revealing the six pack underneath.

"Ohhhh yes really," you started backing away.

"Oh no you don't!" he said grabbing you and cornering you against the wall, his hands on either said of your head. You looked at his once bright blue eyes, that were now a stormy dark blue.

"Luke...what are you-" Luke cut you off with a giant kiss, your arms wrapped around his waist, as both of you started to really get into the kiss.

"Don't put paint on me ever again. That was my favorite shirt." He pouted but had a serious tone.

"You got hand prints on the wall," you tell him, "truthfully I find it hot."

Luke gasps at your word choice then laughs extremely loud.

"Ya know I kind of like these hand prints on the wall" he leaned into your face again and plants a kiss on your cheek.

For the rest of the day you both kissed each other taking your hands and planting the them all over the wall until it was completely covered.

"I think the wall looks great."

Luke puts his arm around you and kissed your head. You leaned into his shoulder and smiled.

"I do to."


Hope you all liked. If you vote it up ladies!!:) Thanks again

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