4. Day Off (Ashton)

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HEY EVERYONE!!!!!! Thanks so much for all of the votes!!! It makes me smile every time I see it:) Hey and as usual if you follow me I'll follow you!:) Okay now lets get to our guys!!

BTW if you want like 1D preferences I can do those as well just let me know in the comments below...:)


Ashton: Days off with Ashton was like Ice Cream and Cake...they just go together.

Today he decided to go and take you to the library, you were a very nerdy person, and he wanted to treat you to something 'nice'.

So the two of you headed over to the library.

Ashton's little kid side came out and he wanted to go and sit in the bean bags in the children's section.

He ran over, " Hey (y-n)...WHAT?!?! THEY HAVE CANDY TOO?!"

You laughed, "Ash those are for the kids under the age of 7, not for the kids 20 or older."

He pouted. You loved it when he pouted because his lower lip would stick out and he would draw you close to him.

"But babe...I love candy."

"Okay Ash one piece only. Haha I feel like I'm talking to my younger brother."

He laughed and pranced off to get his candy while you went and found a place to sit.

It was a little rainbow bean bag big enough for two, you grabbed your favorite kids book, 'The Kissing Book', the cover is a Momma raccoon and a baby raccoon.

Ashton ran over and planted himself right next to you. He had grabbed the sweet-tarts as his candy.

"(y-n)...can you read me a story..?" he said in his little boy voice.

"Yes haha little guy."

You read the story to him and he actually dosed off to take a little nap on your shoulder. You saw that the little kids were coming in the section for reading time, so you woke up the little Ash, and the two of you headed home.

When you got older and as Ash promised long ago, you were married and your child's favorite book to be read by his Daddy was 'The Kissing Book".


SO I HIT 1K readers I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! Guys you are amazing and I know I am a little rough but its amazing!:) thanks and keep it coming:)!

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