5. The Award Speech

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OKAY LADIES!! As promised this is the quick speech I believe would of made the AMA's much more exciting besides the boys winning, and the screaming I did when they went on stage...........


Speaker Dude: And the winner is.......5 SECONDS OF SUMMER!!! Congratulations Guys!!

Michael: Guys that us....YAYY!!

Luke: 'Stay calm and cool'

Ashton: YAY Guys this is amazing!! Should we go up?

Calum: Well duh how else would we get it.

Luke: Okay guys lets go!

Michael: YAY!

----------------------------ON STAGE-------------------------

Speaker Dude: Well what do you have to say to your fans? The ones that have helped you make it to the top?

Ashton: Well...just to start I love you all!! *insert his cute giggle* I mean without you we wouldn't be standing here-

Michael: We would probably be at home, playing video games....and I don't know being cool still I think.

Luke: Ummmmm I'm going to go off with what Ashton said, and basically ladies and gentlemen I love you all and I know this might sound cliche but it really wouldn't be worth living if I wasn't playing for you all. I mean you are all beautiful.

Calum: Ya I mean gosh Ashton and Luke took all the good stuff so I'll just wrap this up, but WE LOVE YOU ALL!! Rock on ladies and gentlemen!

-------------------------OFF STAGE--------------------------

Michael: Guys that rocked.

Ashton: Ya it did, lets hope we can do that again.

Luke: Oh we will....unless we forget to give America their EP (hahah)

Calum: I can't wait to take a pic with this!

Okay guys I know this wasn't my best but I love them all and I just UGH I just don't know what to say sometimes.

Love you


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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