Harry sat in the common room anxiously waiting on his God brother's letter.
For ages he waited, or so it seemed. Yet still nothing.
"Harry, you coming down for dinner?" Ron asked. He sighed.
"Not yet maybe in a little bit." He said.
He had to get to the letter first, it had some, interesting information that could ruin a months worth of planning.
Not long after his friends left did he hear the tapping of a beak on the glass.
He unlatched the window as fast as he could, allowing the dark brown barn owl to glide through gracefully.
Quickly untying the letter and tearing it open.
I've got to write fast, Mum's constantly watching my every move. Ever since she caught wind of our little plan, though she doesn't know much, just that we're setting up a big prank.
Also, I've made a few modifications to our project. It's not just targeting the current Slytherin's but also Snape.
Auntie Lily won't like that but it's going to be great.
Dad's all for it and Uncle James will love it.
Anyways like I said Mum's watching my every move I've got to go reply soon.
Harry smiled, a mischievous glint in shined in his eyes.
Quickly he pulled out a blank sheet of parchment.
Brilliant idea! I mean you haven't even gotten your Hogwarts letter and already your helping me pull pranks! And yes Mum will not be happy about finding out Snape is a target.
Serves him right though he shouldn't be such a git, I mean honestly he hates me because Mum married Dad an had me. Not like I asked to be born. I had no say in the matter.
Honestly will he ever grow up?
We leave for Hogsmead at 10 am on Saturday.
Ron, Hermione, and I will meet you the three broomsticks.
Steer clear of Auntie Emiley!
She will spoil the hole thing and we've worked too long and too hard for it.
See you soon!
He sent the brown owl soaring out the window into the black night. He smiled.
Only three more days and then its game on.
As he made it into the hall he was relieved he wasn't the only one arriving late.
He sat down in his usual spot by Ron and Hermione.
"What took so long mate?" Ron asked with a mouth full of greasy chicken.
Harry smiled.
"The plans in motion." Was all he said. Ron smiled and Hermione gave an un-approving look.
She wasn't about pranking.
"Harry I don't think you should do it. Think of what could happen to Gryffindor if we get into more trouble?" She asked trying to talk him out of it.
"Hermione we've been over this. Nothing bad is going to happen. It's a harmless prank and nobody is going to get hurt." He assured her.
She pursed her lips.
"Harry you're a first year, and Sirius isn't even in Hogwarts yet.
There's no way you could have figured this all out on your own." She rambled.
"Hermione breath. Padfoot is helping. He's the only adult who knows. It's going to be great. Stop worrying. You'll be prematurely grey, I'd say by our third year." He taunted. She rolled her eyes.
Hogsmede weekend
Harry woke up especially early and awaited for the time to leave.
He walked the corridors and visited the black lake, by the time it was time to leave he had missed breakfast.
"Hey Harry!" He turned around to see Ron and Hermione walking towards him.
Ron looked excited while Hermione looked cautious.
"Mione don't worry you're not s target." He laughed. She rolled her eyes.
"Harry we could get expelled!" She whispered.
"No we won't Hermione stop worrying." Ron said.
They joined the group of third years and were immediately spotted.
"What do to little first years think your doing?" A troll like Slytherin demanded, grasping the back of Ron's robes.
"Special entry." Harry said eyeing the prefect badge on his chest. "Surly Professor Dumbledore informed you all that we have been granted access to Hogsmead?"
Harry glared at him.
The prefect released Ron and walked up to Harry, snatching him up by his robes.
"Don't start anything kid, it wouldn't be in your best interest."
He threatened.
Harry's temper got the best of him. He threw his head back in anger, ,his hair reveling the lighting bolt scar and started to struggle for his wand.
The prefects eyes widened and he dropped Harry immediately and walked away.
"Well that was odd, he never lets first years go unharmed.
Especially Gryffindor's." Ron said.
"Lucky we didn't cause too much ruckus, even with permission to be here, the other teachers will question us. Why he stopped though. I don't know."
Harry replied, rather curious.
"It's obvious isn't it.
When your scar showed he knew who you were and got scared and ran away."
Hermione said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
They set off towards the three broomsticks. Harry instantly saw the curly black hair of young Sirius.
"Hey Paddy!" Harry called, trying to sound some what casual.
"Hiya Prongslet. How are you on this fine day?" He asked smiling mischievously
"Fine, alls fine." Harry looked to his mother and father and his smile faltered a bit.
"Where are Haven and Harrison?" He asked some what disappointed.
"Over here." He heard his Aunt Emiley say. He turned and ran up to he to get a closer look.
"They've gotten bigger!" He exclaimed. Staring down in awe at his little brother and sister.
"Well yeah son that's what you children seem to do." James laughed. Lily smiled.
"Yes everyone starts out as a tiny baby, and then they grow up."
Harry nodded. He knew they'd get bigger and that people grow, but he didn't know that they would be noticeable bigger that fast.
Turning his attention to Sirius, "Padfoot is it all set?" Harry whispered.
"All's set, just waiting for you" he replied.
Harry's Second Chance
FanfictionWhat if Harry Ron Hermionie and Ginny all go back before Harry's parents died? What if they were able to save not only the Potter's but everyone that died in the Battle of Hogwarts? What if Harry had a life nobody ever dreamed possible? What if? Re...