Chapter 6 Another One 'Bites' The Dust

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Severus swept through the gates of Hogwarts, making his way to the Hog’s Head.

Many times in his life, he had been forced to do things, say things that he would never forgive himself for. Whether the person on the receiving end was deserving of these things or not, did not matter. As Albus reminded him each and every time, these things must be done for the Greater Good. He may have hardened his heart long ago, but lately those walls were falling down. Brick by brick, stone by stone, the walls were crumbling and causing him to feel things such as pain, worry, regret, even blasted love. The word itself made him want to shiver in disgust. It was true, though.

Now, he had a mission. Normally this sort of thing would not cause him to bat a single eye. However, this time was different.

Whispers had reached his ears about Lucius’s fall from favor. Allowing his own son and wife to make a fool of him like a ‘common muggle’ had him highly downgraded in Voldemort’s favor. Lucius had not always been the twisted way he now was. He was once like a brother to Severus. Things had changed though. As he had been telling Harry just hours ago, dark magic warps you. It overtakes everything and changes even the chemical make-up inside of you.

Lucius had long ago succumbed to the siren call of the dark.

Because of this, Severus’s mission was actually highly likely to succeed.

Walking through the darkened tavern, he made his way up the stairs after a nod in Abeforth’s direction.

Going to the fifth door, he knocked three times, paused, and knocked once again.

He quickly raised the hood of his cloak, casting his features into shadows.

A man dressed the same way, cautiously opened the door and guided him into the room at wand point.

“What is it you could possibly want from me, traitor?” Lucius questioned in a raspy voice, words slightly slurred.

It was obvious he had been recently subjected to yet another dose of Voldemort’s displeasure.

His vocal cords sounded almost shredded from a long period of torture. It was plain to see he was drowning himself in firewhiskey and such to dull the pains in his body.

“I have a proposition for you. If you will personally deliver this missive to Our Lord, I will give you your blasted wife and son back. They are far more trouble than they are worth and I have also seen the error of my ways. I allowed the bumbling old fool to bewitch me with nonsensical words and for that I will be ever in Our Lord’s debt.” Severus offered, reaching a hand into his cloak as if to grab a letter.

In fact, as soon as his fingers were hidden, he quickly spelled the potion he had been working tirelessly on all morning from the concealed bottle and into the stomach of the man before him.

It lasted less than a second and he quickly pulled said letter from his pocket to hand to his old friend.

“I have missed our friendship, Lucius.” Severus told him solemnly, regretfully, before sweeping out of the room.

“Inform me of Our Lord’s views on what I have to say.” He threw over his shoulder before climbing down the stairs and making his way once again to Hogwarts, needing to tell Albus of his success.


Harry tossed and turned.

After sleeping an hour after his first History of Magic class, his Head of House gently excused him for the day to get some rest.

He made his way to the room beside the entrance to Gryffindor Tower and fell into restless dreams the second his head hit the couch cushion.

As with all dreams, it started out relatively senseless.

Lessons Learned (A Harry Potter Changes The Future Fanfic) Part 1 of 3Where stories live. Discover now