Chapter 8 Hufflepuffs Cup

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Harry awoke the next morning, snuggled deep into the covers on his own bed.

Stretching and yawning, he wondered how he had got there. Obviously Severus somehow got him back.

The last thing he remembered was sitting through the dull discussion of plans.

Harry had never really been into planning, he was more of the take action spontaneously kind of person.

Ron was more of a strategist, Hermione the planner.

He suddenly grinned, incredibly grateful for his two best friends.

Throwing on a casual robe to protect from the iciness creeping across the dungeons, he made his way into the dining room. He was starving! Okay, that was a bit dramatic, but he was hungry.

As soon as he sat, the ever faithful Dobby appeared with steaming plates of food and goblets of beverages.

“Thank you, Dobby.” Harry mumbled around his mouthful of bagel and scrambled eggs, beaming close mouthed at the little elf.

Dobby gave a face splitting smile in return, and after many bows and assurances that it was an honor, really, he left with a snap of his long, gnarled fingers.

Severus chose that moment to walk from the bathroom in his room and made his way to the table.

“Breakfast is served I see.” He commented drily, eying the random piece of food on the side of Harry’s mouth and the drizzle of drink sliding down his robe from his glass.

Harry chuckled before cleaning himself quickly.

“So, what did I miss last night?” Harry asked, a bit embarrassed about having fallen asleep.

Severus smirked before pulling what appeared to be a photograph from his robe pocket.

Looking confused, Harry reached to see what made that look appear on Severus’ face.

Harry felt a flush creep up his neck, face, and ears.

There he was, plain as day, sleeping like a toddler.

His face was squished on one side, Harry even more disheveled than usual, his rear in the air, and holding something he knew he did not fall asleep with.

A big, pink and fuzzy teddy bear.

Harry groaned.

He knew just who would pull a stunt like this.

“Sirius..” growled Harry under his breath, completely humiliated. “Let me guess, this is not the only copy.”

Severus shook his head, trying unsuccessfully to hide his silent laughter.

“Myself, your god-father, and Albus all have one. That is just your copy.” Severus rasped out.

“I am going to kill him.” Harry said with a rueful shake of his head.

“Talking about me?” Asked Sirius with a smirk, walking into the room as if he owned the place.

“As a matter of fact,” trailed off Harry dangerously. “We were.”

Sirius’ smirk slowly slid from his face.

Backing away, hands in the air, he began to plead his case.

“Now Harry, we are all grown-ups here, right?”

“Of course, I would never sink so low as to get repayment.” Harry explained.

Sirius seemed to relax a bit, not realizing the emphasis on the ‘I’.

Quick as a cobra strike, Severus had the man’s robes turned the exact color and fuzziness of the teddy’s in the picture.

Lessons Learned (A Harry Potter Changes The Future Fanfic) Part 1 of 3Where stories live. Discover now