Chapter 7 Part 1 A little explaining, a little romance

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Severus decided to lay it all out on the table.

“Remembering the basilisk in the chamber, I was able to have Fawke’s flash me there to grab a few fangs before bringing me back. I made a slow acting poison from the venom that would react when touched by the air. Earlier today I met with Lucius and spelled the potion directly from the bottle into his blood stream. As we knew basilisk venom was able to destroy horcruxes, I knew angering ‘Tom’ would cause him to rid himself of Lucius. Our venerable Headmaster was sure that he would use Nagini to do so. Rarely is he wrong. Judging by your statement I am assuming all went according to plan?” Severus asked.

“Yes, he was forced to read the letter, tortured, and then Nagini attacked once everyone else had left the room. I am not even sure if he kno-” Harry began to explain before gasping in pain, hand flying to the scar on his head.

“Occlude, you must occlude!” shouted Severus, hands gripping the boys shoulders as if to keep him in the present.

Slowly, Harry was able to force the pain to the back of his mind and almost cut the link off inside.

“Better?” asked Severus in concern.

“Yea, but now my head is killing me.” He groaned, shutting his eyes.

Severus chuckled before summoning a potion to relieve him.

“Thanks.” Harry muttered before downing the vile concoction.

“Bleugh.” He said with a shiver of disgust, before continuing with his earlier train of thought. “Scratch that, he knows now.”

They both let out a chuckle.

“So we have the diary and the snake down. We can also go get the diadem.” Said Harry cheerfully.

“I did not even think of that. Yes we can. Also, I destroyed the ring.” Severus announced nonchalantly.

Harry gaped at him in silence.

“When? Why did you not tell me?” he questioned in disbelief.

“It quite honestly slipped my mind with everything going on.” Severus answered.

Harry shook his head and laughed.

“Okay so that leaves the cup, the diadem, the locket, and myself.” Harry announced, trying to sound unaffected but failing.

Severus stayed quiet and just gazed at the boy before him, causing Harry to shuffle uncomfortably.

“I will endeavor to find another way, Harry. I do not wish to play with fate and risk losing you to that psycho. Somehow, I will find a way to help you.” Severus vowed.

Harry gave him a smile and glanced away, trying to keep in the tears that were threatening to spill over.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, breaking up the moment to Harry’s relief.

“I’ll get it!” he shouted, running both hand discretely across his eyes and rushing to the door.

“Hey mate! You are about to miss lunch so we thought we would come drag you off to eat.” Said Ron with a wide grin.

“We’ve missed you, Harry. You have been so busy the past few days and would really like to spend some time with you.” Admitted Hermione in a shy voice.

“So, you might want to change out of your pajama bottoms before we head to the Great Hall. Or not.” Said Ginny with a smirk, openly gawking at his bare torso.

Harry felt his face go hot, glancing down afraid what he would see.

“Oh, Merlin.” Groaned Harry, before rushing into his room to dress. He didn’t recall changing into pajama bottoms!!

Lessons Learned (A Harry Potter Changes The Future Fanfic) Part 1 of 3Where stories live. Discover now