The seal ~ Chapter 23

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(A/n: I just wanted to say in the last chapter I forgot to add two characters so if you who only counted 7 characters or phrases will go back to the last chapter to see the offical 9 characters I added or you would rather be confused for a bit about this chapter with the 2 characters, if you would like to that is, you can just continue with this chapter fi you would like if you didn't see all the 9 characters. If you did just ignore this and go read this chapter further ^-^)

3rd person P.o.v

The glow from (y/n) eyes began fading once the light was gone (y/n) began to furiously scratch both of her arms.

(Y/n) heard Naruto gasp loudly as she continued to scratch her arms.

"What is it Naruto!? What is it!?" She asked slightly panicked.

Right after she said that she heard 2 other gasps belonging to Recovery Girl and Todoroki.

"What!?" (Y/n) said feeling more panicked by the second.

Not getting an answer from the three of them she finally snapped.

"WHAT!!??" She yelled gaining the attention from the three back to her only to again hear gasps.

"(Y/n)! Your arms! Oh god your eyes are bleeding!!" Naruto yelled.

"What's with my arms?" (Y/n) asked.

"They have the kanji for protect on them in black and it's surrounded by red" Todoroki said.
(A/n: Just as the same affect Naruto had on Yamato when he went beserk with Pain's attack but this isn't on your hand this is writen on your whole under arm on the inside, you know like the side where you can feel your pulse)

"What the.. Why can't I see anyone's chakra points? And where are we?" A familair voice asked the people around him.

"Me too I can only see ours and the others but the people surrounding us, I can't see theirs only the forms of people- Wait.. I recognize this chakra. (Y/n)!" A kind female voice exclaimed.

"A... Wall?" A familiar person stood in front of a wall with now a deep hole in it.

"Cement..?" Another familiar stood on top of a now destroyed cement ground as she just stared at it with frowned brows.

"What!? Where is my opponent!?" A all familiar person said confused where his opponent had gone.

"Where am I?" Another familiar face said as he looked around totally confused about his surroundings.

"It seems my surroudings have changed, or as any other person would ask first in this kind of situation is 'Where am I?' Well at least that's what the book said" A person said as his painted living ink creations were ready to attack but didn't see anyone of the enemy they once were after.

"Where did I end up now? What a drag" A person said with a sigh as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Shizune! Why are you not answering me!- Oh?.. Huh? Shizune?" A person frowned her brows as she looked around, unfamiliar with her surroundings when she suddenly laid eyes on (y/n)'s form. Only to widen her eyes once she realizes what is happening.

"Out of my way!" The woman exclaimed as she stomped her way forward.

"What is happening? Who are these people?" People in the audience began to whisper.

Todoroki made way for the woman approaching (y/n) only Recovery Girl did not move only frowning her brows at the woman.

"Who are you and what are you planning to do to my student?" Recovery Girl said frowning at the woman approaching her student.

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