Truth or not? ~ Chapter 42

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3rd person P.o.v


'Rin? But I don't see anyone? Wait..' Hata thought as he narrowed his eyes.

Slowly he could see Rin standing next to (y/n) until the scenery changed.

He was standing in the middle of a grass field with trees surrounding him from all around.

"Riku-Sensei, be careful on your mission" (Y/n) looked older about the same age as she now was maybe older.

"Will do" Riku paused to give a closed eye smile "I still have to teach you that water jutsu" Riku finished her sentence as she than disappeared.

The scenery changed again only it was raining again but they were inside what looked like an office, (y/n) stood next to two guys one with brown hair and green eyes the other with white hair and one blue eye and one light pink.

(Y/n) looked at Tsunade her hands behind her head "So Tsunade what is it you want to talk about?" (Y/n) said with a smile on her face.

"(Y/n), Kaito, Asahi.." Tsunade paused to take a deep breath "Your teacher Riku Hatake got killed on her mission to get information on the Akatsuki" Tsunade said her voice full of pity and sadness.

(Y/n)'s hands fell to her side her eyes slightly wide and mouth slightly agape "That's.. not true.." (Y/n)'s voice was soft sounding as if she was about to cry.

The brown haired guy had tears in his eyes threatening to fall "Yes.. T-that can't be true!" Kaito exclaimed.

The white haired guy had an unreadable face a shadow covering his eyes.

"I'm sorry" Tsunade said looking at all of them.

"That can't be true!!" (Y/n) yelled glaring at the ground her fists clenching almost drawing blood.

"(Y/n) I know you're frustrated but please calm down" Tsunade said feeling sorry for her and the guys.

(Y/n) just growled at her and rushed out of the office tears streaming down her face. (Y/n) ended up at the training field staring at the river hugging her knees while crying her heart out.

After a whole hour of crying (y/n) stood up and did some handsigns while muttering "Water style: dancing waves" The river began to move as water surrounded (y/n) and began to dance around her creating a beautiful scenery.

This jutsu was one of her favorites, it calms her when she is sad or frustrated.

"Oi! (Y/n)!! I heard what happened!" Naruto yelled rushing his way towards (y/n).

(Y/n) slowly turned her head towards Naruto, as her eyes locked with his her tears she had once dried came flowing back. She quickly rushed towards Naruto and hugged him thightly. She than started crying her heart out once again.

Naruto did his best by comforting her. Once she had calmed down Naruto made (y/n) walk with him towards a Ichiraku and bought her ramen. Teuchi had heard what happened so he said that the ramen was on him, Naruto thanked him for it while (y/n) gave a soft "Thank you" before returning to eat the ramen laying before her.

The scenery began to fade as Hata found himself back to the interrogation room and pulled away his hand from (y/n)'s forehead.

~End of memory~

Hata expecting to see the usual affect of his quirk on a person was quite surprised by (y/n)'s look on her face. But instead he saw an emotionless expression instead of a broken one.

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