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Its the first day at the academy. I, uchiha sasuke, determined to join, in order to pursuit my dream. No its not a dream, its a target i'll reach.
Avenge my clan, and murder my brother.
I'll be stronger, no the strongest.
I went inside the academy, heading for the first class.
I sat down on the third bench. I was having a headache from the girls squeaks...all my fan girls, falling for me, they are all annoying and clingy, especially that pink haired one.
I scoffed and sat down, all people around were blabbering and fan girls are trying to  talk to me but as usual, i rejected them.
My eye fell on a certain blond boisterous who had a blue azure eyes, Naruto.
My long time rival. I was watching him trying hard to impress the girls... but all they wanted was to gain my attention.
I don't have time for fooling around, i need to become stronger to reach my goal.
However  my deep  thoughts were cut by a voice, a gentle voice that called me.
"Is this seat taken?" She asked.
I shook my head.
She sat down by me, i took a glance over her, because she was different, she had a bluish inky hair in a boy's cut, but what grabbed my attention was her pale orbs, she must be a Hyūga.
However i focused again to the front, the Hokage was there, greeting us.
Everyone taken a seat, as we heard the Hokage carefully.
However, as he was talking, i felt someone pinch me from under the desk, i looked down to find her offering me a snack. I looked at her back up, she have me a wink with a side smirk.
I shook my head declining her offer.
She was such a weird person.
The Hokage told us about our three stages chunin exams, and then they decided to scatter us to teams.
I was team seven along with naruto and the annoying pink hair girl, and the weird girl was team eight.
However, we were asked to scatter with our teams, kakashi sensei told us to meet him after three hours, so i went off for a walk.

I was so happy that i got to sit by the one that i truly loved, since that encounter, i knew whom my heart belongs to, its the raven head, uchiha.
However, i knew his cold demeanor, i wasn't disappointed when he rejected my snack, it was kind of expected.
However, i always taught myself to work hard, even harder to accomplish my goals.
Since i was child, and was being bashed and abused for being weak, i was determined to be stronger, and worthy of the heiress title. And yes, here i am, being feared by most of the Hyuuga's and those who heard about me.
Our sensei asked us to meet him in three hours so i decided to head to the woods, its always the place where i train my jutsu's.

I was walking in the woods, when i heard an unfamiliar sound, i decided to inspect a little, i approached the sound swiftly so i won't make any suspicious sound.
And i saw her, again, the weird girl, with pale orbs, my eyes widened and my mouth gaped when i saw how she was training, i didn't want to admit but she was even stronger than i thought.
I saw how she flew and twisted her body in the air, how she threw her kunai's hitting all the targets when her eyes were closed.
All of a sudden i found a flying kunai, passing just right beside my face, only making a small scratch on my left cheeks hitting the tree by me.
I was truly impressed, she landed on her feet.
"I know you are there...come out" she said and i smirked, i took out her kunai, and landed just in front of her.
"Quite impressive"  i said.
"Arigato" she thanked me as i handed her her kunai.
"So, what are you doing here?" She asked.
"None of your business..." i snorted
"What a harsh answer..you broke my heart" she said sarcastically.
I turned around and walked away, when she stopped me with her words.

As i saw him walking away, i couldn't let my chances slip, i was glade he watched me while i was sparring.
I felt his chakra earlier, but decided to dismiss.
Now that i have him, i can't let him go.
"Wait..." i said
He stopped but didn't turn around.
"Um. Would you like to join me...eating..." i said.
He raised his hands as a sign to turn me down, however i had to stop him again, so i followed him.
"Wait..." i tried to bargain.
He turned around with an annoyed face, i flinched a little bit, but i had to gain my confidence back.
"How about a deal" i asked.
He turned and kept silent, his eyes didn't flinch.
Then he sighed.
"What is it?" He finally asked
"How about we battle, and..if you won, you can go, and if i win, you are to sit down and eat with me" i said enthusiastically.
After a while, he nodded.
"Fine" he said.
I grinned.

To be honest, i did want to battle her, i don't like anyone to be stronger than i am, i didn't want to join her eating, i just wanted to challenge her, and to be honest, her guts kind of annoyed me.
So i decided to put this down.
We started battling, to be honest, i was impressed, needless to say i was speechless, the weird girl was pretty fast, she blocked every punch, and dodged every kick.
He body was moving so fast,i tried to land a punch on her face, she dodged, held my hand, and twisted it, i saw her legs moving to land a hit on my stomach, i blocked it with my other hand but she smirked and her body twisted, she kicked my face, then she turned suddenly, while holding a kunai between her teeth, i landed on my legs, and ran to assault her, but she disappeared, i saw her hitting from above, she twisted her body, aiming for my face, i blocked, but i was taken aback when she slipped by me, she slashed my ankle with the kunai, i screamed in pain, then she stood up, and hit my lower back repeatedly, i cringed and fell to my knees, she blew the final hit to my nape, i sprawled on the ground, she aimed finally her kunai to the back of my neck.
"I win" she said with a mischievous tone.
To be honest, i was full of rage, she really kicked my ass.

I landed my final blow and then i said
"I win" i saw him whimpering as he tried to stand up, i stretched my hands to help him stand.
"You were a tough one to beat" i said with a smile as i saw him bites his lips, wiping his bleeding mouth.
He stood up and spat on the ground.
"Tch" he said.
"So please join me" i said with a smile as i sat down, i opened my bento box, it was full of rice cakes and veggies.
I gave him a handkerchief and helped him to wipe his bruises but he smacked my hands away.
"Gomen..." i looked down.
I offered him the food, i saw him eating the rice cake and picking up the tomatoes.
So i knew now, sasuke loves the tomatoes.
After he finished eating and stood up to head back to the academy.
"Sayonara..." i whispered as i collected my things ready to go back as well, however i was stopped by his words.

"Oi" i stopped and turned to the weird girl, i was impressed she kicked my ass but i needed to wrestle  her again. I can't accept any defeat.
I saw her collecting her things.
She looked up at me with those freaky pale orbs.
"Hai?" She asked.
"I'll wrestle you again..." i said sternly.
"Sure" she said with a gleeful smile.
"But... if i win again, you'll eat breakfast with me everyday..." she said
"Tch...fine" i scoffed.
"When?" She asked
"Tomorrow..." i  said as i walked away.
My mind was only tormented in how to beat this girl...i swore i'll beat her, no matter what.
None is better than the uchiha. I'll prove it.

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