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Sasuke cringed as he opened his eyes, he has been facing many trouble sleeping.
He got up, headed to his bathroom inside orochimaru hideout.
Sasuke washed his face, then he stared at his own reflection in the mirror.
Three year passed since he left konoha. Three years since he last time saw his dear beloved hinata.
It has been a mystery to him how he felt towards the Hyuga.
He fell in love with her so painfully slow, yet so painfully hard.
He doesn't even know how or why? She just got him tangled into her web, and he couldn't free himself.
Till  this day, its a puzzle to the uchiha.
Sasuke's mind dazed off to the day he departed, it was one of the worst feelings he had to go through.
The uchiha knew quite well that if he saw hinata before departure he'll never leave, yet he couldn't go without saying goodbye.
He can still remember the day, it was cold, raining...

Sasuke's mind has been in turmoil for three days, since the incident, he has been thinking about his vengeance against his brother, who is a threat to hinata, he couldn't protect hinata from his brother, he is seeking power so his beloved hinata won't be harmed, he has to surpass her and itachi, he knew quite well that hinata still could beat him, but what of his role? How can he call himself her 'closest friend' or even something greater and yet he can't protect her.
For sasuke to be stronger he has to leave konoha, but he can't still leave hinata. What of all their mornings, their sparing, their stargazing, whom would he talk to when he is upset? Whom would cheer him up when he pouts and feels down.
Whom would nag him and talk to him until all the talking is done?
All these feelings and moments, how can he leave it.
And then that idea just popped in his mind.
Why not asking hinata to join him, to come with him to orochimaru.
And that was it. He'll ask her to accompany him.
Sasuke sneaked as usual to hinata's room.
He used to do so somedays when she doesn't come over for stargazing.
Many times he felt lonely so he went over, sneaked into her mansion just to see her, sometimes he found her training, or even stargazing on her own.
That day however was different, he went just to tell her to leave konoha with him.
"Hinata...hinata" sasuke called above a whisper, hinata was lying on her room floor, staring at the ceiling.
She was thinking about sasuke, he has been distant lately, she can feel something is wrong, since itachi's genjutsu, the uchiha's has been spacing out many times.
She was thinking of ways to help him, to cheer him up, add on, she was thinking about Gaara's words.
Her condition, the clan's agreement with the otsutsuki.
Her train of thoughts was caught by sasuke's call.
She got up and marched towards the voice that called her, she knew it, always it is sasuke.
"Sasu-chan" she marched towards the room's window, she climbed the branch then she went town to meet him down.
"Wh..why are you carrying your back..sasuke?" She said not ready for the answer.
"Hina...listen to me" sasuke said as he rested both his hands over hinata's shoulder.
She looked intently.
"Hinata.... i..i'll leave konoha...i have to...with orochimaru...i need to become stronger to protect you...i need to complete my vengeance..."
"No..no no sasu chan no..you can't leave konoha.." she said as she clutched his wrists roughly.
"Hinata please listen..." he interrupted but hinata stopped him
"No..no i won't listen, you can't sasuke, don't please, don't be like him, you are not a murderer, this path will leave you empty...please" hinata begged and pleaded as she started to sob hysterically.
"Hinataaa just listen..." he snapped at her.
Hinata's eyes widened.
"Come with me hina...we can become stronger together...hinata..." he said as he starred at those lovely pale orbs that had a lilac tint.
Hinata flinched at such declaration.
"Wh..what.." he mouth gaped, her mind couldn't comprehend.
"Come with me..." he said with a smile full of hope.
For a second hinata wanted to go with him, to runaway, leave all her duties behind, break the agreement, leave this clan, but she just remembered her target, her sister, gaara, neji.
She won't sleep or flinch until she change her clan rules. She can't disappoint her father, she can't break the agreement until she becomes stronger and change the system of her clan but from within.
The agreement may lead to harming her sister, and she can't sacrifice her sister's life just because she is selfish.
Hinata took steps back, she looked down.
"I...i can't sasuke...i can't leave konoha..." hinata said as she tried to hide her tormenting.
Its the worse choice she faced in her entire life, either her sister or her family...or its the love of her life.
Sasuke's eyes widened.
He bites his lips until they bled.
"Why..not.." he said in a low tone.
"I...sasuke i can't..." she looked into his eyes that were threatened to be filled with tears.
"Why is that?" He asked this time sternly.
Hinata's mind was playing games on her, shall she tell him about the agreement... if she told him, he'll be forever devastated.
She can't break his heart, not now...
So she decided to tell him about her condition.
"Sasuke..i..." she stuttered but then she remembered that she promised neji not to tell anyone.
"I just can't sasuke..." she sighed.
Sasuke looked down, he knew its the time he shall depart... he can't  stay in konoha..he made up his mind.
"Then... i guess its a goodbye"sasuke looked down and said stoically but his voice was filled with sorrow.
And this was the worst moment.
"Sasuke please don't leave konoha...don't leave here..us..what about your team? What about....me" she said
"I made up my mind... and i guess we are parting ways..." he said and decided to march, but was stopped by hinata's grabbing his wrists.
Sasuke stopped then looked down, and all of a sudden he turned and pulled hinata roughly into his hug, wrapping her tightly.
Hinata clutched hard to his chest, then sasuke suddenly pushed her away, and ran.
"SASUKEEEEE" hinata called as she watched sasuke's form disappear slowly into the night.

"Tch" sasuke clicked his tongue and punched the wall inside his lair.
Why remembering hinata now...that painful moment.
He had tried hard to forget about her...to deal with the painful separation.
How many nights he couldn't sleep, he had to deal with his nightmares, the breakfast they used to eat together, he missed it.
He dipped his hands inside his pants, he took out the bracelet hinata had made it for him.
It had both his initials and hers. Sasuke clutched tightly to the bracelet, he placed it over his forehead as he squinted his eyes closed.
"Hinata..." he murmured.
A single tear left his eye.

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