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Sasuke was ready to march and literally do something stupid, he was blinded by his rage that he was ready to take off neji's head and hurt hinata.
As he started marching, he saw bunch of children running so he stopped.
He saw neji and hinata break their hug and both looked at each other and both giggled.
Then neji looked at hinata and said something sasuke couldn't comprehend or hear.

"Hinata, i want you to say that all in your heart...imagine I am sasuke and tell me whats inside.." neji said.
Hinata's mouth slightly opened, she knows that neji wants to help her throw every bottle pain and emotion out, so she would left unburdened.
He has always done that with her.
Hinata mouth involuntarily opened into a wide smile.

Sasuke saw as hinata's smile widened, then she stood up enthusiastically and started talking loudly so he was able to hear her.

"I love you so much.... i just wanted you to escort me to the festival...and here i am with you..." she said while looking to neji.
"Do you know how much i have longed to see you...i want to spend my life time with you...i want our tiny family to grow into big one...with our little kids, they'd share our traits...we will wake up by each other's side..." hinata continued as she spoke her mind, imagining she consoled with sasuke.
"I wore this red kimono for you, it reminds me of your love, like a fire burning that radiate warmth, but may burn everything down if it was beyond control" she smiled
"I want to be the one to shield you from the storm..your shelter..i want to be the one to heal your broken heart, your wounds...i want to be the one you run to when you are feeling down..." hinata continued.
"Lets go stargazing...lets have our mornings together again.."

Those words were hitting sasuke's like a million dagger, cold one that cut through his flesh mercilessly, he has felt pain before, physical and mental, but this was different...its emotional pain... its not like any other torture he has gone through, its true, neji has taken his place, she is telling him everything that she told sasuke before, all her dreams, that she wanted to share with sasuke, she wants to share it with neji.
Sasuke's face crumbled, his eyes squinted closed and he bite his lips as he felt the tears wetting his cheeks.

"Would you like to dance...i have never danced with you before... shall we..." she stretched her hands to neji's who he bowed and. Then, he entwined his hands with hers, arm wrapped around her waist, hinata rested her head on his chest, while one arm on his shoulder and the other entwined.
They started swaying slowly imagining, as hinata hummed a silent tone.

Sasuke looked as both danced. They never danced before, now she is living a new memory with neji.
Sasuke's eyes widened and grinned his teeth.
His inside was burning with jealousy and pain.
He felt his whole body shivers.
How dare she touches anyone but him, how dare someone other than him touches her.
At that point, sasuke couldn't hold anymore.

In a mere of a second, as both neji and hinata were letting their guards down, neji couldn't comprehend as he felt a hard punch land on his cheeks, sent him flying away.
"Sa..sasuke???" Hinata gasped.
"ARGHAAAAAA" sasuke growled then heaved, he gave hinata the most daring look that made hinata froze, never ever in her life she saw sasuke in so much rage.
Neji twisted his body form and landed luckily on his feet, he wiped his bleeding nose and lips. He activated his byakugan and ran directly towards the uchiha.
"YOU ARE MINE GOD DAMMIT.....I WILL KILL YOU NEJII AND ANYONE WHO THINKS HE CAN APPROACH YOU..." he screamed at hinata's face, hinata's furrowed her eye brows and activated her byakugan.
She saw neji's coming so she turned and stopped him.
"Drop it neji... lets go" she said as she rested her hands on his chest, pulling neji away.
Sasuke grew even madder, he collected his lightening power and marched to hit neji with his Chidori.
Both hinata and neji dodged.
"SASUKEEE ENOUGH STOP" she screamed at him, but he turned again, and pointed his attack back at neji, hinata pushed neji away and again dodged the attack.
Hinata clutched her chest tight and coughed.
"Pl..please...sasuke...please...stop..." she said between coughs.
Neji ran towards hinata, he leaned over to see if his cousin was fine, hinata's condition is getting worse, after her giving birth.
"GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER..." sasuke growled.
As he marched to give his final blow, a hand that belongs to none other than the blond hokage stopped him.
"Sasuke... enough..." naruto appeared from now where, like a hero coming at the last second saving the day.
Sasuke looked into naruto's eyes which were furrowed and full of rage.
Sasuke gained his composure, he looked as hinata kept coughing and heaving clutching her chest.
Neji looking at him with death glares.
Sasuke sighed, he marched at hinata who was coughing, he gripped her hands roughly, and pulled her up and dragged her into the center of the village.
Neji wanted to pick up a fight again but naruto stopped him and asked him to follow silently.
Sasuke stood in the middle of the festival then said
"THIS WOMAN IS MINE...AND ANYONE ANYONE WHO ONLY THINKS OF APPROACHING HER, I WILL NOT HESITATE AND KILL YOU...BECAUSE IT IS I THE ROGUE NINJA SASUKE UCHIHA AND I'll DO IT AND YOU DON'T NEED TO BID ON IT." And with that as everyone was hearing with their mouth gaped and all gulped. Sasuke dragged hinata again as his children were watching him.
"Off we go home..Now.." he ordered, and the twins silently complied.
Hinata was still coughing as she was dragged, the twins were dying in their skins.
Sasuke saw as hinata's started sweating and wobbling.
And with no further notice, he placed his hands under her armpits and the other under her knees, and carried her up.
Eiji and mikoto's mouth gaped, their father is carrying their mother which made mikoto smiled inside. She felt her heart warms a little bit while eiji filled with jealousy because he was somehow possessive over his mother.
Hinata was tired so she rested her head on sasuke's chest, as he found his way back to his mansion.

Sasuke placed hinata gently on the couch, her coughing fit was now milder.
Mikoto and eiji held their mother's hands.
"I am fine my dear ones...lets get you to rest..." she said as she tried to stand up but was too tired.
"I'll do it..." sasuke said, it was his second time to see hinata collapsing  after what had happened in the academy.
"Rest for now..." he was growing concerned but he would discuss it later with the hyuga.
Hinata gave sasuke a genuine look at how was he considerate, she gave a nod and smiled to her children so they would go and sleep with their oto san.
"I don't want to leave you mommy..." eiji said
"Please eiji chan...mommy will be fine" she smiled and by that eiji nodded and dragged mikoto along.
Sasuke put them to sleep and he just left the room.
Then he went back and sat by hinata.
Her breathing was bad, and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead. Sasuke wiped some of these beads with his hands.
Hinata turned her head away.
"Hinata..."he said but she kept her stoic face and didn't answer.
"I know how much you hate me now, i know i screwed up...but please give me a chance...i am sorry..." he pleaded
Hinata kept her face away
"Hinata please"
She looked at him then said
"You broke my trust sasuke. And trust isn't given...its earned..." hinata said
"Then let me earn it...give me a chance"sasuke pleaded again, his voice was cracking.
"And how is that?"hinata felt somehow pity for the uchiha. She was so cruel but she has to teach him.
"Lets start over..." he found no words to be said
"And how is that..."she asked
And with that question, sasuke had this thought on his mind
"Lets battle..and if i beat you...you'll have breakfast with me everyday..." sasuke said
and with that...hinata grinned

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