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Tonight was cold, colder than usual, sasuke uchiha felt himself shivering. Its not because of the weather.
Its because of the cold betrayal he felt, that cut through him, and left him bleeding all his love.
He swore if the scale of pain from one to ten, it'll be beyond ten.
How can someone give you hope, ignite the lights in your eyes, breathed the life into you, and then all of a sudden, take all that away in a mere of a second?
That what sasuke felt.
Hopeless, empty, abandoned, betrayal....and above all, loneliness.
Sasuke tried to shut his eyes to sleep but he couldn't, only he can see hinata's face haunting him.
He kept awake throughout the night, and when tiredness took over, he only woke up panting and heaving, sweating as his nightmares haunted him again.

As for hinata, she kept sobbing inside Neji's embrace, who was patting her back in circular motion trying to calm her down.
All of a sudden, Toneri entered as he saw his good friend and so pretended wife crying her eyes out.
He sat down by neji and hinata and gave neji a sign to leave them alone for a while.
Neji pulled away from hinata's and he cupped her cheeks, he looked into her eyes.
"Are you sure you'll be fine"
Hinata gave a nod assuring.
Neji got up and left the room.
Toneri leaned a little towards hinata, her eyes were puffy, her nose and cheeks were so red.
"Hinata.." he started
Hinata looked at toneri with blood shot eyes.
"Do you want to call off the marriage? I can also explain everything to sasuke, you helped me a-lot with yuno, at least i should repay..." toneri said
Hinata's eyes widened, and her mouth slightly gaped.
"B...but what about the alliance Toneri" she stuttered.
"Hinata, you can't do this forever, you can't always be that selfless... sacrificing your love, add on, a war is coming no matter what, Nothing would stop Momoshiki if you think so..." Toneri continued.
"He won't forgive me..." she sobbed as she bite her lips crying.
Toneri cupped hinata's cheeks, he then wiped her tear with his thumb.
"Hinata...i am sure sasuke loves you, and i am sure he'll understand what you have done..." toneri assured her
"You don't know sasuke....he holds pain inside, i hurt him deeply, he'll never forgive me..." hinata hiccuped while weeping.
"Calm down hina...i am sure everything will be alright" toneri said as he held her tightly to his chest.

Sasuke whimpered from his deep slumber, he woke up when he heard a loud knock at his mansion door.
Someone was calling and that sound was familiar.
Its none other than his blond best friend.
"Oi...Teme...wake up..." naruto growled as he kept knocking, naruto can smash the door, but he uses the decent way.
Sasuke got up, he marched towards the door and opened it, glaring at his best friend.
Naruto's mouth gaped as he saw sasuke's form.
He looked horrible.
Sasuke's hair was mess, he had bags under his eyes,
His breath was leaking alcohol.
he was topless, wearing only a pants.
Naruto pushed the door to welcome himself inside, he saw dozens of empty alcohol bottles on the floor, his home was mess.
two days passed since the incident, sasuke couldn't be sober, so he used to go buy couple of alcohol bottles just to paralyze his mind, shut all the pain.
And above all, to help him sleep at night.
"What gone into you sasuke..." naruto snapped
"None of your business..." sasuke said as he headed to the bathroom for his routine.
Naruto's eyes softened..his best friend and hinata were dealing with the worst situation, her sacrificing her love, life for sasuke's sake and the village.
And as a result, she ended up hurting the only one she never intended to hurt.
Sasuke got out of the bathroom, he reached the fridge and got out a beer can, opened it and gulped half of it.
"Oi...sasuke..." naruto tried to snatch the beer when sasuke gone berserk and pushed naruto's chest roughly.
"GET YOUR HANDS OFF" he growled.
Naruto furrowed his eye brows, he then tried to snatch the beer again when sasuke punched him, but naruto dodged, sasuke's balance was lost and he was going to fall but naruto griped his hands and stopped him from falling.
"HOLD YOURSELF TOGETHER WILL YOU?" Naruto growled at sasuke who fell on his back, naruto looked at sasuke's form but he was shocked to see his best friend sobbing quietly.
Naruto leaned over and rested his hands over his shoulder.
"Sasuke...i..., i know its not easy to walk away...." naruto begun.
"I...can't....i can't..."
"You have to let her go..." naruto said, as he hugged his best friend who was sobbing.
After a while, naruto asked sasuke to meet him at his office so they'll discuss the new mission.

"I need to tell him the truth shikamaru..." naruto said
"I can't see sasuke suffering like that, we need to figure things out..." naruto continued.
"I guess conditions has changed a bit naruto..momshiki is still planning for an attack, the otsutsuki clan are still conspiring even after the alliance" shikamaru retorted.
"Yes, and they need the Hyuga 's as hinata now is the most powerful hyuga ninja..even she surpassed many here... i think they are planning to kidnap her and retrieve her sealed beast." Naruto said.
"I think we need to act quickly.." shikamaru said but was cut when sasuke showed up, he was wearing his headband, cloak and was a bit better than the early morning.
"Ahaa sasuke, finally, welcome" naruto said
Sasuke gave a nod.
"So lets get to the point, we have found out a cave having some kind of ancient carves that needed to be translated, i guess who wrote them was an uchiha, we need your sharingan to read it...it'll only take two days... and sakura would be joining" naruto said
"Why would she join..i don't need anyone with me" sasuke snorted
"She said that around the cave, there are some new herbs she need to test...as a medical nin..maybe for healing and curing diseases, she asked if she could come and i think you need her company..sasuke" naruto said but was taken aback when sasuke punched the wall.
"Do you think i am that pathetic..." sasuke snorted
"No sasuke, its only for the sake of the mission." Naruto glared at sasuke.
Sasuke glared back and after a staring contest, sasuke closed his eyes then nodded, he got out of the office saying
"Make her meet me tomorrow at dawn" and he took off.

Sasuke was sitting on the bar, he ordered two shots of vodka and gulped them then he went to his mansion.
He needed not to get drunk, in order not to have a hangover as his mission needed to be fulfilled.
He knows that he needs distraction from hinata.
Missions are one of the ways, alcohol as well.
He came back to the village only to see her and propose, that was the main reason, he found out that naruto's wedding would be some kind of an opportunity to go back and ask for her courting.
He hated weddings, yet he came, just to find out that she is married, he thanked god that she doesn't have children.
This would literally kill him more, he wanted her to bear his children, he wanted her to have his name.
Two years he had yearned for her touch, her existence, her tenderness. Yet she betrayed him.
She is long gone and he still can't move on.
Sasuke decided to head home, he felt somehow dizzy and decided to get some rest.
Then all of a sudden, he woke up from his deep slumber, panting, clutching to his chest.
And then, he involuntarily, found his legs, pulling him up, walking him to the hyuga mansion, the place that held so much memories, he was like a zombie, walking towards his prey, sasuke found himself knocking loudly at the mansion door, to find a butler opening up for him.
Sasuke pushed the butler away, but the butler started to fight the intruder, then many of the hyuga's butlers started to battle him, but all were wiped.
All he was saying was
"Where is sheeee...where is shee"
All of a sudden, a loud scream came.
"STOP.....STOPPPPP " sasuke looked at the figure, he saw his beloved hinata, yelling.
As hinata, she saw the semi drunk sasuke's berserk.
"Leave now" she ordered as the butlers bowed and dismissed themselves.
Sasuke was wobbling and walking towards hinata with crumbled face and tears in his eyes
Hinata stretched her hands her hands and caught him before he fell.
"I...i can't sleep...." he sobbed
Hinata rested her palms over his face and stroke it, his head was on her breasts, and his hand around her waist.
"Please...put me to sleep, just this once" he said, as he closed his eyes, all hinata could hear was his snoring, she rocked his body back and forth.
And that particular night...sasuke slept deeply like never before, inside hinata's hug.

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