Chapter 4-Sacrifices

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After seeing them kiss I just walked away and continued my journey. When I got to the music room I tried not to show it but I was hurt and kind of sad.

I couldn't be shocked or disappointed though, because it was Kairo. He never cheated on me at least not what I know of.

I just couldn't believe it because it happened right in front of my face. That feeling was heavy on my chest, I really had to break up with him this time but I didn't want to.

These thoughts floated in my mind and I started to practice with Angel and Halo. I wasn't really feeling it though but I couldn't let them see that.

After practice I went home and of course I did the usual. After I gave mom her medicine then I went to my room and started writing in my journal.

As I wrote my phone rung, it was Gravity. I got tired of ignoring her so I just picked it up to see what was up.

"Hello?" I said into the phone

"Ali? Thank god I was trying to get in contact with you for forever. Please come outside we need to talk" she replied

"Okay fine" I hung up and then I closed my journal then headed outside
She just pulled up when I stepped foot out the door

"Okay what you needed to tell me?" I asked her when I got into the car

"I caught Kairo flirting with some girls at lunch the other day. I believe you came to school but I didn't see you" she said

"Shocker. That's it?" I replied with sarcasm

"Uh yeah, you okay?" She asked

"Yup I'm cool, see you tomorrow" I got out the car and walked back into the house

I really didn't care about what he did, her telling me that just made what I saw 100% accurate.

It all made sense now, he was probably doing that just to get back at me.
The immaturity was out of this world but you can't blame a dog for being a dog just like you can't blame a child for being a child.

The next morning
I woke up with heavy eyes and a dry mouth. I didn't feel like myself at all, it's a shame what a little sadness can do to you.

I got ready for school, effortlessly because I didn't want to go. I didn't see the point at all, I promised myself that the year was going to be different but obviously not.

It was about to be the third week of school and things were just falling apart piece by piece. I tried gluing things back together but of course that never worked.

"See you later mom, I love you" I said to her as I left the house

"I love you too Ali have a good day at school" she replied

I kissed her on the check and handed over her medicine.

When I walked outside I saw Gravity parked in front of my house. I wasn't really expecting her because yesterday conversation was so nonchalant.

If I were her then I would've left me here to catch the bus.

I had to apologize to her because just because I was hurt and sad about what Kairo did to me, it wasn't her fault.

She was just trying to be a good friend and let me in on valuable information she thought that I'll need.

She didn't know about the whole Kayla and Kairo thing so I wanted to say sorry.

"Hey, you okay? You don't look too good?" She asked me when I sat in the car

"I can be better but about yesterday I just want to say I'm sorry because the way I acted wasn't appropriate at all" I explained

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