Chapter 25-Time jump

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8 months later...
It was getting closer to my due date, my mom had finally forgiven me well I think she did. We were talking though, she was excited about Alida and that made me happy. I was sad though like I was in this dark space. I just wished that my mother never got sick and that I didn't have to go to that club and meet Chad. I was excited about my baby but when I thought about raising her I got sad because I really wanted things to work with Chad. Chad and I haven't talked since that incident at his house, Coi sent a text message about how she was moving to North Carolina to start over and it was kind of random but I had my own shit to focus on and Gravity, Angel and Josiah started talking to me again and Jasmine and I grew closer. Well all of us just became a friend group plus Jasmine decided to move back to Dallas. As for my mom and Kayla's dad relationship, that ended quick because I finally proved to her that he was happily married with another woman. She was a bit hurt but welp! What can you do? As for moving to California well, mom wanted to still move there plus her job gave her some time so she would be moving in July and to be honest I wanted to live alone but if I didn't save up enough I didn't have a choice but to move with my mom.

"Aliza, Jasmine is here" my mom told me
I was sitting in my room just staring out the window just feeling sorry for myself.
" hey girly, I brought baby Lida some new clothes and look at this! It's my favorite! It's a freaking TUTU!!!" She said excited
She realized that I had no expression on my face
"What's wrong Ali?" She asked me
"Jasmine, Im a disappointment. I let my mother down and now it's not the same with her, I lost my passion. Singing was what I always wanted to do but I let Chad take that away from me, he ruined my life now I'm here and he's nowhere to be found! I have to raise this baby all by myself and all because I wanted to be somebody I wasn't. I just feel so stupid...nobody loves" I couldn't even finish my sentence because I just broke down in tears
"Aliza...ALIZA! You look at me! You have me, Gravity, Angel and Josiah to help you out! You're loved, wanted and appreciated! It's never too late to chase that dream either Ali, you're a strong women. You helped your mother and you carried that baby regardless of the sick rumors and forget about Chad! He doesn't deserve you at all, he didn't know what he had and I need you to realize that, be brave! You got this!"
"Thanks Jasmine! I needed that" She pulled me into a hug and continued to show me the rest of the clothes

"Thanks again jas, don't buy anything else either! You've done enough sis!" I told her as she was leaving out the door
"You know that's auntie baby and she can have whatever! Ima spoil her before she even get here" she replied as she giggled
"No, no, no we not doing that, because when she crying 4 o'clock in the morning, I'm calling your ass" I chuckled
"Ima answer too! But see ya later girl!" She yelled out as she got into her car
I locked the door behind myself and just walked to my room. It was so awkward living here, my mom didn't talk to me like that unless it was about the baby or about school. It broke my heart and being pregnant didn't help either because the hormones already had me in a puddle of tears as it was.

The next morning
I woke up and got ready for school, I was so over this shit! I was big and pregnant and this waking up at the crack of dawn shit was getting old fast. I got ready and headed to school on the bus, because I didn't feel like bothering my mom about the car. I didn't like talking to her because it was just different now. That mother and daughter bond we had was now all gone and it just ate me up everyday but I wasn't about to play Dr.Phil and try to make things the same way they used to be. When I got to school I just headed straight to class because I didn't want to eat because I wasn't hungry at all.

I was the first person in class just scrolling my Instagram feed and you know who was the second student in that bitch? Yup you guessed it! Kairo!
"Hey wassup, you good?" He asked
I just simply ignored him because what the hell he was talking to me for?
"Damn! Ali I'm sorry for how I did you! I was wrong!" He blabbed
" Kairo! Leave me alone! I don't know why you trying to talk to me in the first place! What we "had" is over now so please stop talking to me altogether! Okay? You got that? Go sit under Kayla's ass or something and leave me the fuck alone!" I shouted at him
He didn't say anything he just walked off and sat at another desk further away from me.
I rolled my eyes and just continued what I was doing until the bell rung.

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