Dead's Man's Squall 79

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The sun merciless shone down on the two facing off.

Both now standing but neither moving, "Are you The Quiet One?" Zane asked

Mr. E just jerked his neck in reply.

"Are you The Quite One?!" Zane asked again

This time Mr. E ran at Zane who took out his bow and fired two arrows both which were deflected by the opponent's own hands, and then Mr. E landed a punch on Zane that sent the Ninja toppling backward, the man not missing a beat grabbed Zane's foot and spun him around and tossed him as if he weighed nothing. Sending Zane skittering toward the edge of the cliff and his bow fell off the side.

Zane stood up and said, "Who are you?"

Mr. E just cracked his knuckles and ran at Zane, and they started fighting but it seemed as if Mr.E was the only one getting hits off, Zane was on the defensive side. And was nearly kicked off the edge.

He was on the very edge when Mr.E ran at him again and they started struggling again, Mr.E got a hit off that sent Zane flying backward several feet.

When Zane sat up a panel on his chest was coming open sparks were spurting from it, he placed his hand over the panel closing it, and stood up to face his opponent.

He activated his element and, shouted, "WHO....IS...IN....CHARGE!?" and with every word he landed a punch on Mr.E that froze and eventually encased him in ice completely, and with the final word Zane kicked the now ice statue and sent it sliding back.

For a second nothing happened until the ice began cracking. Zane, when he saw this, scoffed in disbelief and in irritation.

First one arm broke free and then the other then the sinister robot freed itself entirely from its icy cocoon.

"who?" was all Zane was able to say before the man jumped up and landed a kick on him then punch him in the face and shoulder.

Zane's right arm was sparking at the joint and when he looked up one of his eyes were flickering weakly then the other as well. he said, "You don't have to do this!

But Mr. E Smpily kicked Zane in the face and cause the Nindroid topple off the cliff and fall he finally hit the ground after hitting several things before landing.

There was a piece of metal missing from the side of his face that revealed wires underneath, as well as a place on his arm and leg. Mr.E jumped down was walked toward Zane, when he came into Zane's field of vision Zane said, weakly, "Who?" before the lights of his eyes died and went out.

Mr.E bent down and opened the panel on Zane's chest and placed something inside and then closed it.

He stood up and looked down at Zane's face before speaking in, a indistinct sound into an intercom.

He looked back only once and then walked away leaving Zane in very bad shape laying on the ground.

It was night when the Bounty came to get Zane it had taken them a while to not only get Cole, Lloyd and Misty but to also find the location of Zane.

Kai had a search light and it finally landed on Zane, the team let ropes down Lloyd, Nya and Misty slid down them

"Zane!" Lloyd shouted and all three of them to Zane.

"No! Zane!" Misty cried

"Zane? Can you hear me?" Lloyd said

"What did they do to him?" Nya said

Jay slid down a rope and so did Cole, "Say something Zane. Can you hear us? Zane!" Jay shouted

"Please, just say something... anything." Misty whispered

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