The Promise 79

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Lloyd was using the map to reach the ground unfortunately he hit a tree and ended up tumbling the rest of the way down, and landed hard on his back. Harumi now free from the mech hurried over to him to help Lloyd. She found the map and tied it around Lloyd's arm, that had been hurt in his fall. "There." Lloyd smiled at her and once again he forgot about their third party member, that was still MIA.

"I think we're on our own." He said looking around his surroundings with was made up of jungle like terrain.

Lloyd started walking forward but then he stepped on something, moved back to see what it was, and he saw it was shard of crystal pure black crystal, that somehow had not exploded yet. Which either meant Misty was knocked out or... dead. Since the black crystal's powers usually responded to Misty's emotions.

"We need to find Misty before we go any father, she could be hurt." Lloyd said, and then added softly to himself, "And all alone..."

Lloyd looked and saw more shards in the surrounding area, and looked more after some walking and following the shards he heard a noise, and Misty came stumbling into him.p nearly knocking him over. He caught her and could hear Misty was muttering something under her breath and her eyes seemed glazed over.

"That's all we have now," was the Lloyd was able to hear that Misty was saying.

"Misty! Are you okay?!" Lloyd asked still holding onto her. The second Lloyd spoke though Misty seemed to snap out of whatever dazed she'd been in and tried to get away from Lloyd.

"Let me go!" Misty shouted

"Harumi And I just came to find you?" Lloyd said sounding confused and a little annoyed, but he complied and released the struggling Misty.

"Oh, what did you realize the temples needed a human sacrifice?" Misty said bitterly she glared at Lloyd.

Lloyd narrowed his eyes at her and said, "Both Harumi And I could have just gone and left you here! But we didn't we came to find you!"

"Why didn't you just leave me?" Misty said and she pulled out one of her weapons and began fiddling with it, but she's never broke eye contact with Lloyd.

"Beacuse, Harumi And I-" Lloyd started to say But was cut off when Misty shouted,

"It's always Harumi this Harumi that! I'm getting tired of it!" She shouted and threw the sais down and it landed inches infront of Harumi's foot.

Lloyd glared at Misty and then placed himself in front of Harumi and he picked up the sais and threw it back at Misty who had to jump to the side just to keep it from hiting her.

"What's your problem with her?!" Lloyd shouted back

"Hey, you actually almost hit me!" Hissed Misty

"I don't care now tell me what do you have against Harumi?" Lloyd said

"You Don't care about me?" Misty said her voice had gone deadly quiet as she glared back

"I'm starting to get to that point!" Lloyd answered

"I'd say you already hit that point the minute you saw her!" Misty said cooly and she stabbed a finger in Harmui's direction.

Lloyd moved to stand in-between the two.

"Face it you Never really ever did care about me... at least not lately you haven't!" Misty said her voice filled with venom. "Ever since I've returned you don't really care about me, all those words you said to me... just pretty words they never meant anything... a kiss even.. just another little trick you played right?" Misty said as she turned and picked up her sias and then turned back around and stabbed it into the tree beside her as she continued. "You acted like you cared so you wouldn't make the other suspicious... that's all it was... wasn't it?"

Every word Misty said hit Lloyd hard and just seemed to hit harder as she continued, so he decided to put an end to it... maybe if I said that was true maybe she'll stop... I'll just tell her the truth later.

"Maybe your right." He answered, and as he suspected Misty went dead silent. But when he looked up to meet her eyes he saw Misty's eyes seemed to had lost it gleam, that look of mischievous, love, affection, and Happiness gone... at least that was how it was for one of her eyes the other seemed to deem slight but didn't go out all the way. What he saw wasn't physically displayed on Misty's face but he could almost feel that was what happened.

"So I'm right..." Misty said her voice no longer held venom, it seemed hollow in fact.

"I gues you were." Lloyd said and shrugged he had to keep up the act perhaps she'd stop then. And he then said, "Now that you've figured out let's go, we need to find that mask." Lloyd turned around and took a step away. But he heard Misty's voice say... "No..."

"Wait what?" Lloyd said and he turned back around, and Misty said "I'm sorry, But I will not be continuing this adventure with you," She repiled ."

"Come on Misty, stop fooling around and let's go." Lloyd said and he reached out to grab Misty's arm but she jumped back out of his reach and said. And shook her head and said, "Just leave me alone, Lloyd... and I meant it, just go."

"How will you make your way back to the Bounty?" Lloyd asked

Misty had already turned her back and was walking in the opposite direction and said, "Does it matter to you if I even make it back?"

"Misty... I." Lloyd started to say he was getting annoyed but was cut off when Misty said, "You can't lie to me anymore Lloyd!"

"Then fine leave then! I hope I never see you again!" Lloyd shouted out in a moment of frustration and turned on his heel and stormed off.

It wasn't until he and Harumi has made it 100 meters did her realize the gravity of the words he had said. He instantly truned around and bolted back for the clearing while shouting. "Misty, Wait I didn't mean it! Please! But when he reached the clearing Misty had already gone and she lefted no trace of which way she had chosen to go.

The only thing she had left was her Sais still embedded nearly hilt deep in the truck of the tree.

"Misty... I didn't mean it I was angry you know how I can get! Please Misty come back ! Let me explain!" "Misty?" Lloyd shouted

"She might have gone toward the temple" Harumi said

"I don't know why she would." Lloyd said

"It's our best guess Harumi repiled

"Your right and besides we need to get that mask." Lloyd said and him and Harumi turned and walked back the way they had come. Both didn't notice the shadowy figure sitting on a tree limb watching them both. They didn't notice it even when it shuddered violently.

Misty was sitting in her hiding spot but there was a great deal of pain she felt in her chest, and she shuddered. But thought, fine Lloyd you don't have to see me..but I will not let you be harmed... I promised a lot of people I'd watch out for you... so I will I promise.

Authors Note

This is one of the hardest chapters for me to wright, I'm sorry to put Misty through that but it is nessary I will never put my characters through pain that is not nessary. I'm sorry Misty. 

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