The Perfect Princess 75

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The Ninja team, were greeted by Mr. Hutchins at the doors leading into the Palace.

He greeted them by saying "Welcome to the Royal Palace, also known as the Palace of Secrets."

"Ohh, why do they call it the Palace of Secrets?" Kai asked

"If I were to tell you that, then it wouldn't be a secret, now, would it?" Hutchins said and he slammed the doors shut after the ninja had entered.

All of them gasped in awe at the sight before them, it was magnificent, banners hung from the wall gold decorated many things and many red lanterns that hung from the ceiling lite up the room.

"I already feel like royalty," Jay say

"It's Beautiful." Zane agreed

"Yeah, I could really get used to living in a place like this." Cole said

"Well, don't We're only here as guests, then back to protecting Ninjago." Lloyd said

"And for so of us, looking for Wu." Misty muttered under her breath.

"hmph. too much gold in my opinion." Nya said

Hutchins opened to giant doors, and bowed and said " I present to you the exalted Emperor and Empress of Ninjago, and their daughter, the Jade Princess, Princess Harumi."

The Ninja stood before the royal figures and bowed, Lloyd had to hit Nya lightly on the arm though before she did.

The royal family bowed back and the Emperor said "We are honored by your presence."

"The honor is all ours." Lloyd said smiling

"I have read much about you, your heroics will surely become legend," Harumi said and she stepped down from the plate form and walked toward the Ninja.

And said "Kai, the hothead who acts without question." She walked to each ninja and bowed to them.

"Cole, the rock and foundation of the team. Jay, the joker whose mouth is as fast as lightning, Zane the cold and calculating android."

"Nindroid your highness." Zane said and he dropped his human disguise as he bowed.

"And Nya, the girl..." When Nya heard this she was obviously very off put, but luckily the princess wasn't finished.

"The girl I've wanted to be ever since I first heard about her. With her mastery of water and her skill that could rival any master." Harumi said, and before Nya bowed she said "I like her." and then bowed.

"And Mistu..."

"It's Misty your highness." Misty said

"Misty, the one known to follow her heart, and trusts it to lead her in the right direction, and who fights fiercely to protect all who can not protect themselves. Harumi said

Misty nodded and bowed.

Then the princess went on to Lloyd and said, "And Master Lloyd, the Green Ninja. The youngest but most powerful protector, the chosen one. I too have lost my parents."

"uh..." Jay said obviously confused.

But the princess continued and said "but we are both not without family."

"We adopted Harumi and raised her as our own." The Empress explained "When her parents passed away, " The Emperor added.

"Thank you for inviting us into your home." Lloyd said

"it wasn't us it was our daughter." The Emperor said

"And she would like you to stay with us until the threat to our throne is over." The empress added

"These are troubling times, and as long as we have an Oni Mask, we fear our lives are in jeopardy," The Emperor said

"The mask must never be reunited. Please say yes." Harmui said

Lloyd bowed and said, "Then you have our help."

Misty grimaced though, she should be looking for Wu not stuck playing bodyguard.

"great then Mr. Hutchins can show you the palace." Harmui said

Hutchins then took the ninja on a tour around the Palace, Misty brushed it off though and was too busy, thinking about more important issues. But she refocused herself when Hutchins was showing them the mask. The Mask that supposedly was so dangerous the Mask of Deception.

It was orange and Kai was looking at it through the glass and commented by saying "Ugh. a face only a mother could love, why would anyone what that?"

"That's up for us to figure out." Lloyd said

"Just being in the same room with it gives me the heebie-jeebies." Jay said from behind Lloyd.

Misty had to admit the Mask looked pretty scary but it was only a mask what could it do other than hide someones face right?"

"If this is the Mask of Deception what was stolen from Borg Industries?" Nya asked Hutchins

"The Mask of Vengeance," Hutchins said

"And who has the third?" Cole asked

"No one knows the location of the Mask of Hatred, but my sensors tell me it won't be lost for long."Zane said

"Zane is correct. Though no one has found the third mask, it has given the Royal Family little resolve...." Hutchins began to say, but Misty noticed Lloyd's attention begin diverted and she followed him, over to another door. She saw he was looking at Princess Harmui, and he had a look on his face... one that made Misty's heart tremble, for she still loved him very much, And Lloyd stepped backward away from the door. And Hutchins finished saying "For we know dark forces are looking to acquire it, and that's why we need eyes on it at all times," Lloyd and Misty rejoined the group and Kai said "Don't worry we're Ninja we're experts at this kind of thing.

The other ninjas had spilt off leaving Lloyd and Misty alone, together.

Lloyd looked slightly uncomfortable and Misty felt just as bad. "Listen, Lloyd... I was thinking..." Misty said and took a deep breath and started again, by saying, "Perhaps it's time, we... break things off between you and me..."

Lloyd looked up and said, "But..."

"No, Lloyd I think it's for the best, besides, it'd be hard to try to keep a relationship between you begin my master and my boyfriend um.. separate, and also besides, maybe it's for the best," Misty said softly she didn't want to listen to what Lloyd had to say, she so ran off.

Leaving Lloyd standing alone.

As Misty ran thoughts swirled in her head and feelings crashed around in her heart, as she ran, besides a thought said "It's better for Lloyd not to be with you, he is the hero the chosen one, you are the one that could possibly turn evil one day, because there's evil in your element, It's best if that ever happened and if Lloyd ever had to fight you, that he could defeat you without feelings getting in the way of things." "but he was the one that helped keep me happy, and knowing I'm who I'm supposed to be..." Misty whispered, then she heard a sound of breaking glass, and she ran to the nearest window and flung it open and looked out, and saw a person jump from the princesses balcony and run across the rooftop carrying a sack. 

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