Me, Myself and I 82

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As soon as Misty had taken her last breath, two invisible spirits flew from the girl's body and flew through Ninjago, finally resting in a secret place. Where the spirits became visible they sat across from each, looking at one another, fascinated.

"You have horns and purple eyes...." the one on the left said.

"You look like I did... but with blue eyes..." the other spirit marveled

What are you going to call yourself?" the blue spirit said to the purple one.

"I'll be Mai," the purple spirit said

"Very well and I will go by Mitsu." the blue spirit said

Mai wrinkled her nose and said, "that was our given name... I always hated, that's why we went by Misty."

"Yes but it is no longer we, it is now I and you, both of us are now our own person, but we need to find a way to become one once more," Mistu said

"Your right we are technically only two halves or a whole, we need to find a way to become Misty again..." Mai said and then added, "How bad do you think the others will be freaked out?"

"My estimate says a lot," Mistu answered

"If we ever have to part ways we need to decide who will stay with Lloyd," Mai said and then opened her mouth to say she would herself.

But Mistu placed her hand on Mai shoulder and said, "Let it be me... you still have feelings for Lloyd and you can't let that distract you from our mission, I'm the side that no longer holds feelings, it will be easier for me."

"Very well." Mai sighed and said, "when should we become physical again?"

"Let's wait and see..." Mistu said and they flew back to Ninjago.

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