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Darkness, that is all I see. I rub my eyes to get them to adjust, but it just does not happen. Sighing, I lean back against the wall of the tiny closet I spent my night in. Today is the day I am supposed to take my aptitude test, but that will not happen unless my father lets me out. The last time he locked me in here I spent three days sleeping on my dead mother's old coats with no food or water. I learned a few years back not to fight or scream when put in here because it only makes this punishment last longer.

Heavy footsteps alert me to the presence heading in my direction. I hold my breath in hopes that he will let me out. Relief washes over me when I hear the familiar click of the lock. The door flings open but fear instantly fills me. He may be letting me out, but he is also drunk which means I will not be getting to the test without new bruises to cover.

Yanking me up by my arm, he slurs something under his breath before throwing me on the floor and kicking me in the ribs. Groaning, I roll over and try to crawl away. He notices my attempt to escape and yanks me up by my hair causing me to cry out in pain. By the look in his eyes I can tell what is coming next. I prepare myself for the agonizing pain of his belt.


"Tatum Eaton?" I hear my name being called as I rush into the cafeteria where everyone is waiting to begin their test.

"I'm here!" I shout as I race up to the over-sized mahogany table with a loud, overbearing woman gazing harshly at me.

"You are late," she scolds and motions for me to follow her into a room.

We step into this large, seemingly empty room that is furnished with an obvious objective in mind. Inside the room is an odd-looking chair, which depicts something straight out of a dentist's office or better yet, a horror movie. The walls are covered in full length mirrors and there is a little desk to the right of the chair. A computer and a glass with blue liquid are stationed neatly, almost too perfect, on the desk. The woman makes her way over to the desk and motions for me to sit down. Not wishing to get into any more trouble, I sit down, wincing from the wounds on my back. Curious, I turn to look towards the desk. I notice that the woman is now holding the glass of blue liquid in her hands and is proceeding to move in my direction.

"Drink," she says but I hesitate, as I begin to investigate this unfamiliar blue liquid.

"Drink," she says again and this time I oblige.

Disoriented and confused, I begin to look around and realize that I am now completely alone in the room. I get up and walk around, trying to avoid making eye contact with the bruised and battered reflection bating my gaze. I can only hold out for so long before I look up and see my bright blue eyes and tainted body staring back at me. All of a sudden, my reflection begins to speak to me.

"Choose," My reflection says.

"Choose what?"

My reflection then proceeds to point behind me where two pillars have now appeared, one holding a plate of raw meat and the other a knife. Choose? Why? This does not make sense. I turn around to consult my reflection, but it is nowhere to be found. All of a sudden, I am pulled out of my swirling thoughts by a deep, frightening growl. Slowly I turn around and am met by a large ferocious looking dog. I begin to panic as I search around for the meat and knife. Realizing that I have missed the opportunity to choose. I slowly lower myself down to the floor and avoid making eye contact with the dog to show it that I am not a threat. It worked!

Suddenly, the scene changes and I am now on a train. There is a tall, lanky, gray-haired gentlemen searching for a seat at the far end of the train car.

"Sir, please take my seat," I say as he walks back towards the front of the car.

"Thank you, dear," he says coldly as he sits down. "Miss, do you know this man?" he asks as he begins to pull out a wrinkled picture from his wallet.

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