chapter five✔︎

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Billy Hargrove awoke confused and hungover. Two things that didn't mix well with him. As soon as he opened his eyes he knew he wasn't in his room. It was much to...neat. There was no pictures of half naked women on the walls or dirty clothes randomly around the room. Instead the room he woke up in was much nicer.

The walls were a light blue with white doors and curtains. Instead of posters there was picture frames hanging on the walls. Posters of French Movies and guys hung on the walls, all neatly even.

He turned his head to the side after throwing the covers off of his body. A glass of water and a small pill sat atop the bedside table. Billy squinted against the sun and recognized it as a pain killer. He decided against taking the pill, not knowing if it was real or not. Even though his headache was killing him, Billy knew better than to take pills in a random stranger's house without knowing for sure.

Billy threw his legs over the side of the comfy mattress and took notice of his missing jeans. He must of spent the night at some girl's house. Although he didn't usually wake up with his boxers on. Or anything for that matter.

He followed the faint sound of pots clanking and walked downstairs. He stumbled over a few but managed to get down without falling and was greeted with the sight of Joey rambling to himself and rushing around. Billy watched for a few moments before clearing is throat.

"O-oh, hi." Joey had flour on his cheeks and forehead along with his clothes. "You're up."

Billy nodded, wincing at the pain in his head. Joey gestured for him to sit down at the table. Billy sat down. Across from him a young boy sat, stuffing his face with pancakes. He nodded at Billy, who gave a slow nod back.

"That's my little brother, Danny. Don't pay any attention to him." Danny stuck his tongue out at Joey who returned the childish gesture. Billy almost smiled at the two.

Joey placed at stack of pancakes in front of Billy and another one in the empty seat next to him. Billy sat there, not knowing what to do while Joey took the empty seat and began eating as well.

"You do know you can eat, right?" 

The older boy nodded in response and began eating. He didn't understand it. Why did Joey make him breakfast? Why did he bring him home? Why was he being so nice?

"How-how did I get here?" Billy inwardly cringed at how he spoke. He sounded so helpless. 

Joey finished chewing and took a big gulp of his orange juice. "You were completely wasted last night, so I drove you home. Well, I was going to drive you to your home but you told me not to, so I took you to mine."

Billy visibly tensed up. "Did I say anything else?"

Joey seemed to think for a moment before responding, "Nah. You just keep on flirting with me." Billy blushed lightly, hoping Joey wouldn't notice.

The phone rang and Danny hopped up to get it.

The two teenagers ate in a comfortable silence, glancing at each other discreetly. 

-' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' - 

His fingers hovered over the buttons. All he had to do was press a few numbers and everything would be good again. Just a few numbers and-

Steve groaned and dropped the phone, letting it dangle in mid air. He slouched against the wall and sank to the floor, burring his head in his hands. What was he going to do?

He remembered everything. The drinks. The stain. The fight with Nancy. How he yelled at Joey for no reason, most likely ruining everything they had. Steve gripped his hair in his hands, pulling as hard as he could. 

All he had to do was call and apologize, then everything would be okay. But Joey wasn't like that. He knew Joey wouldn't forgive him easily. Especially not after Steve had lashed out at him. 


That's what Steve called it. Their relationship. Joey. He wished he could take it back. He wished everything could go back to normal and the two would continue on with their lives and being happy. Now Steve didn't even know where their relationship stood. 

God he was sorry. So fucking sorry. 

The boy took a shaky breath and reached for the phone. He pulled it close and dialed the numbers from memory. Steve pulled it to his ear and waited for someone to answer. He rung for a few second before it picked up.


Steve recognized the voice.

"Oh, hey Danny. Is Joey there?"

"Yeah, do you me to get him for you?" Steve paused.

"No. No, it's fine."

"Should I-" He placed the phone back into the holder, cutting the young boy off. 

He couldn't do it. Not today. 

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Sorry for not updating sooner as well as the short chapter. 

It was mainly just a filler.

I've reached almost 4k reads! I can't believe it!

Thank you all for reading my story and giving it a chance. Love you guys.





Do what ever your heart desires!

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!

(P.S. Comment if you know what movie the sentence above if from)

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