chapter thirteen✔︎

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At the Byers', Joey watched as Daniel finished wrapping up Joey's arm and placing it into a homemade splint and swing. Daniel lifted his head and gave Joey a sad smile, the latter returning it. 

The kids, along with Steve, Nancy, Johnathan, and Joey, sat in silence, mourning the loss of Bob. Joey had never met Bob but by the way the kids and Joyce had talked about him there was no doubt he was a good person.

Joey rested his head against Steve's arm, closing his eyes and letting out a huff of air. Steve looked down at the boy with a small smile. He moved his hand to pull Joey closer to his side, playing with Joey's hair. 

"Hey," Steve said, catching Joey's attention. Joey opened his eyes, moving his head up to meet Steve. Steve jerked his head to across the room where Nancy sat on the couch, nervously looking at Joey. "I think she wants to talk."

Joey nodded and pushed off of Steve, walking over to Nancy. He stepped in front of her, and gestured with his good hand to the seat next to her. "This seat taken?" 

Nancy let out a weak laugh and shook her head, "It's all your's."

The two sat in silence, waiting for the other to speak. Joey clenched his good hand in anger.

He couldn't forgive Nancy. While time may have past it didn't make her words hurt any less. She turned Barb against him for Christ sake! 

She'd been his best friend and when he came out to her she just...left. Ruined it all. Their life long friendship forgotten in minutes. She didn't deserve to have a friend like him.

Next to him Nancy began to cry. Joey's eyes widened, watching as the girl cried into her hands. He looked around awkwardly for help, not knowing what to do. 

"Joey I'm so sorry," Nancy sobbed. 

Joey gulped and lightly placed his hand on her back. He bit his lip, thinking of what to say. He opened his mouth but Nancy interrupted him. 

"I was just a stupid kid. My mom told me how it was wrong to be gay and how God hated you if you did. I was worried I'd catch it from you, but that's crazy. I turned Barb against you, shit Joey, we were all you had and I left you alone with nothing. I'm so so sorry." Nancy cried, resting her head on his shoulder.

Joey spotted Johnathan watching them from the corner of his eye and gave the boy a soft smile, signaling he'd take care of it.

He rubbed her back, pulling her into a hug. "You're right. I didn't deserve it and you and Barb were all I had. And you spoke some horrible things Nancy, shit things that no one ever deserves to hear." Nancy cried harder at this and Joey frowned. "But you were just a kid. And so was I. I don't...condone what you did or that you stupidly thought you could catch my gayness. So I'm willing-" Joey took a deep breath, shaking his head. "-to forgive you." 

Nancy's head shot up in surprise. "Really?" 

Joey looked down and nodded his head. "Maybe it's the blood loss or the fact that we're sitting next to a kid who literally has a other dimensional creature in him and I'm scared shitless but...yes." 

Nancy laughed and hugged him, Joey yelping in pain as she hit his bad arm. 

"Oh, sorry, sorry." She smiled happily, brushing back her hair behind her ear. "Thank you." 

Joey grunted in response, his expression hard. "This doesn't mean we're immediately going to be best friends, though. Baby steps, okay?" 

Nancy nodded and hugged him once more, making sure to be careful of his arm. "Thank you, Joey." 

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