chapter seventeen✔︎

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Joey took a deep breath and knocked on the door, clenching his fights.

Should he really be doing this? It wasn't Joey's business and who knows what he'd do. If he'd actually believe Joey or not. This was crazy.

Joey turned but stopped in his tracks. But if I don't do anything it's going to get worse. Much worse.

The office door behind him swung open, Joey jumping at the sound. He turned back around to face the door. He looked at his feet, wringing his hands together.

"Who are you?" Hopper said, taking a sip of coffee. He rested against the doorframe, trying to place the kid's face. "Wait. You helped the kids, right? You were there that night?"

Joey nodded, rubbing his arm, still focusing on the floor. His nerves radiated off of him. "Joey. Joey Dare. And yeah, I was there that night. It's actually why my arm's all messed up."

Hopper's eyebrow raised, his eyes drifting to boy's arm and back up. "What makes you think I was wondering about that?" 

Joey shrugged, glancing at the tall man. "Most people do. It's just weird that you're only one who I can tell the real reason to. Everyone else thinks a coyote messed up my arm and shit."

Hopper gave a light chuckle and stood up straight. "Why're you here kid?" 

Joey gulped. He looked around the station at the busy cops working at their desks and with other people only feet away and then back up at Hopper. "Can...can we talk about it in your office?" 

With a questioning look, Hopper nodded and moved. He gestured for the boy to enter. Joey gave him a quick thanks, rushing into the office. Hopper closed the door behind them and walked to his desk, slumping down into his over ten year old chair.

"Take a seat, kid. What's up?" 

Joey did as Hopper said and sat down in the ugly, puke green chair. He took a deep breath, trying to settle his nerves.

"Do you know Neil Hargrove?"

-' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' -' - 

Neil slammed Billy against the bookcase, spitting in the eighteen year old's face. He grabbed Billy's shoulders, digging his nails into the boy's skin. Red splotches of blood soaked through Billy's shirt and under Neil's nails. 

It was a mistake. It wasn't his fault. He didn't mean it, he really didn't. It was an accident. 

Billy looked over Neil's shoulder at Max and Susan who stood in the doorway, watching the two men. Susan held Max against her, fear written across her face, Max mirroring her. 

Biting his tongue, Billy held back tears. He wouldn't cry. Not in front of this monster. 

Neil shoved him harder again, delivering a hard blow to Billy's gut. Billy groaned, clutching his stomach in pain. 

"What did we talk about!"

"I'm sorry!" 

"What. Did. We. Talk. About?"

Neil tugged him back up, forcing Billy to stand straight. Billy bit his cheek hard enough the familiar taste of metallicy blood flowed over his tastebuds and down his throat. "Respect."

"And?" Neil questioned, his voice filled with anger.

"And being respectful to our's and Susan's house. Not wrecking things."

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