chapter sixteen✔︎

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Hawkin's Gymnasium boomed with music and laughter, the kids dressed in their nicest suits and dresses. Joey watched from the front table in a suit of his own. He remembered his Snow Ball. It was boring as fuck, especially for someone who's only friends had ditched him but he can't help but miss the innocence of it all. 

Joey turned back, leaning against the snack table. "You know, I think they have much better music then we did. Like with all the cool synthesizers now and stuff. It's definitely better."

Nancy shook her head beside him. "No way. We have much better music and always will, you can't change my mind. And be careful, you're going to ruin your suit."

Joey mocked her and rolled his eyes, Nancy elbowing his side. He laughed, "I'm joking, I'm joking! Sorry, mom."

Nancy smiled and shook her head again, rearranging the snacks in rainbow order.

Joey looked down at his suit, his lips twitching upwards. He loved this suit and he had no one to thank but Nancy and March. March had picked it out and Nancy tailored it for him along with doing his makeup. Nothing fancy, just eyeshadow and lip gloss. Sure he got some disapproving looks from parents but he was happy and that's all that mattered. 

He felt comfortable. Free, even. Everything was good. He had his friend back, even if they weren't as close as before. He made a new friend who had super powers, the gate was closed, and his arm was nearly healed; a black brace currently wrapped around his wrist in place of the cast. The only thing was Steve and Billy. He was torn and it hurt. What was he going to do?

He still hadn't forgiven Billy. Not fully. He was getting there, though. Slowly but surely. Billy still didn't open all the way up but then again that was Billy. 

And Steve. He stood on similar ground as Billy. Joey had forgiven him for his words but he was still healing. And Steve respected that. 

Nancy knocked his shoulder with her own, breaking him from his thoughts. "Can you go throw these out outside?" She handed him a box of Reeses Peanut Butter cups.

"What, why? How can someone throw away such a delicacy?"

Nancy sighed, "Some mom just came over here and complained about how it's not safe for the kids and we have to throw them away outside to be sure while you were away in la la land. Can you do it? Please?"

Joey gave a long overdramatic sigh before grabbing them. "I guess. But if none actually end up in the trash you can't blame me, 'kay?" 

"Just go you goof."

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Dustin Henderson looked fucking ridiculous. With his stupid cool hair and weird cute suit and his dumb smile. Daniel Dare watched as his best friend got rejected. He clenched the plastic cup in his fist. 

He watched as Dustin hung his head and sulked over to the bleachers, sitting all by himself. 

That's it.

Daniel Dare took one big sip of his drink and threw the now empty cup on the ground, storming across the dance floor while pushing past people to get to the sad boy. He didn't know why he was doing this. He really didn't but here he was. 

"Dance with me Henderson."

Dustin looked up, making that cute confused face Danny denied he liked. "What? Danny? Why?"

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