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One decision can change everything. Some people call it the butterfly effect. The term- butterfly effect- is in reference to the chaos theory in mathematics which looks at systems that are very sensitive.

For example, existence.

The chaos theory observes how a small change, no matter how minute, or trivial it may seem, can change everything and lead to chaos further down the line.

A single toe out of line can change a life forever.

It is all very existential.

Should Person A turn right at the crossroads they will meet Person B. Ten years later Person A and Person B are happily married with three kids.

However, shoulder Person, A turn left at the crossroads they will never meet Person B.  And because of one inconsequential decision over something as simple as the directions, Person B dies three days later and Person A goes on to be the worst person history has ever known.

If Person A knew the consequence of each action what would they choose?

Or would it even make a difference?

Now, Himura Miyako is an anomaly. In most cases, people never really have a choice. It all dwindles down to one simple fact called fate. Fate is predetermined and every decision you make leads you closer and closer to the inevitable.

Himura Miyako is one of the rare cases where fate is still undecided. Two options lay before her, invisible to everyone, yet there for the taking.

The two fates are drastically different from one another yet similar in more ways than one.

The first similarity is: they have the same beginning.

The day her fates begin is like any other. The sun is high in the sky, a few clouds scattered across the azure expanse and the tiniest hint of a breeze present. Himura Miyako, like every other day, fixes her metallic headband to the red points extending from the crown of her head and adjusts her strawberry pink bangs underneath it.

Her garb is simple. A white t-shirt paired with a pink skirt which is a strikingly similar shade to her locks. Her feet are secured in simple black flats with white socks inching above her ankle. She shifts her weight between each sole as she stares steadily ahead.

"I think I was supposed to turn left." The girl muses airly as she stares at the brick wall before her where an open road was supposed to be waiting. She shrugs her shoulders, her cherry red irises glinting in the sun as she spins on her heel. Her long hair brushes behind her, falling to a stop above her hips as she faces the now open road.

"There we go!" She cheers. And with a skip in her step, she continues on her way, almost forgetting to look both ways when crossing traffic.

Himura Miyako follows her own little mental map through the city, stopping to smell the roses as she goes just because she can.

Each morning she leaves a few hours early because of her fast-paced attention and prior knowledge that stops will without a doubt be made because of it. This isn't any idea of her own but that fact always seems to slip her mind as well as many other pieces of information. That, however, is beside the point.

At her third rose bush stop, Miyako suddenly remembers that maybe it was supposed to be a right turn when she left her house instead of a left. She cocks her head to the side, her nose still buried amongst the foliage.

"Right at the brick wall then a left at the duck pond... Or was it left at the brick wall and past the duck pond..." She trails off as she brushes her nose against the supple petal of a bright crimson bud. "Did I see the duck pond today?"

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