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After her quick answer in the form of a question, Miyako vacated the school grounds before Todoroki could further press her. 

The next day fell upon the students of 1-A before they knew it and Miyako successfully finds herself in front of the school gates. 

Her red eyes widen upon landing on the bustling crowd in front of the gate. Cameras and microphones suddenly being jammed into her face. 

"Are you in All-Might's class?" A female report shouts at Miyako. 

Miyako's bright eyes squint, "I think so?"

As soon as her affirmation meets the crowd's ears they are pushing closer towards the girl. One after the other questions are being shot at her all while her classmates and fellow UA peers use the distraction to slip by unnoticed. 

Miyako doesn't mind, a smile gracing her features as she answers all of the questions even as they begin to overlap each other. 

"What is All-Might like?" 

"Is he a good teacher?"

"Are you from a hero family?"

"Are you a recommended student?" 

"Hey- you look familiar!"

"Child of blood rain..." 

"What does All-Might wear to teach?" 

"Does the symbol of peace live up to his name?" 

"He's huge!" Miyako begins. Her arms stretching out to insinuate his size. "We fought each other in class and he let us use our quirks! I'm always told not to use my quirk but All-Might sensei said I could!" Miyako subconsciously ignores the questions about herself and her family, "All-Might wears this really cool suit in class. It's red, white, blue, and yellow!" 

As the reporters go to ask another slew of questions, a white rope-like material wraps around her waist and yanks her out of the crowd. "It's time for class Himura." Aizawa sensei frees his student from his capture weapon and shoos her in the direction of the school. 

Before completely disappearing behind the school gates, Miyako bends over slightly and waves at her friends. "Bye Bye reporters!" 

Aizawa rolls his eyes as the barrier slams shut in the reporter's faces as they attempt to follow their only answers through. "Did she really have to answer them so earnestly? Now they'll never stop pestering her." He groans, running a hand through his scruff. 

Finding her way through the halls quickly thanks to the Big Sis Nejire, Miyako lands in Class 1-A on her first try. Skipping into the room, the other girls join Miyako at her desk to chat about the fiasco outside. 

Todoroki still restless from his lack of answers about the effect of his actions yesterday, stares down the pink-haired girl as she prances in the room. Sadly, due to his antisocial personality, he was unable to approach the girl as she was surrounded by the other girls in the class. 

Once Aizawa sensei entered the room everyone returned to their seats and class officially began. Miyako twirls a strand of her bubblegum pink hair around her finger as Aizawa sensei begins the morning announcements in his monotone voice. 

"Sorry about the late notice, but today, I'll have you decide on a class representative." 

The hair drops from Miyako's finger as she sits up in her seat. Class representative? 

Having been homeschooled her entire life, Miyako has no idea what a class representative even is. As her classmates begin shouting around her, the girl muses over what the title could possibly mean. 

However, the only thing coming to her mind was something similar to a teacher so she was quite determined on who she was going to pick. 

Aoyama turns around in his seat to convince the girl. "You're going to vote for me right, Mon Cherie?"

Before she can answer the robot man from yesterday's training stands up. "Silence, please! It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others." Miyako nods along to his explanation, entirely sure that his definition would line up with her own. "It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it. It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you. If we want to use democracy to decide on a true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one." 

Ilda's speech goes through one ear and out the other as Miyako's nodding stills in confusion. 

"We haven't known each other that long so how can we have trust or anything." Tsuyu asks. 

Miyako agrees, thinking about if there are any of her classmates that she trusts. A few come to minds such as Yaoyorozu, Kaminari, and Todoroki but one stands out above them all. 

So the pinkette writes his name down with a reassuring smile on her face. She just knows that everyone else is going to vote for the same person! 

Ilda gathers all of the slips of paper and begins tallying them on the board. He comes to a pause as he unknowingly holds Miyako's paper in his hand. Democracy is Democracy, he thinks to himself as he adds the name to the board and adds a tally next to it. 

The glasses-wearing boy steps away from the board to allow everyone to view the results. 

Izuku Midoriya- 3

Yayorozu Momo- 2


Aizawa Sensei- 1

"HAH?" The class shouts as they narrow in on the results. 

"Why Deku? Who voted for him?" Bakugou grunts as he stands from his seat. "And whose the dumbass who voted for Aizawa Sensei?"

Upon hearing his phrasing, Miyako's hands tuck under her thighs to prevent herself from answering his questions. 

She truly thought that Aizawa was the best person for the job. Isn't a class representative the person who runs the class? She thought Aizawa sensei already had that job and she didn't want him to lose it... but now she's not so sure what she did wrong. 

"Well, it's better than voting for you." One of Kaminari's friend's simpers. Miyako doesn't know his name for sure but she's seen him hanging around the electric boy frequently. 

Aizawa smiles to himself as he knows exactly who the one vote for him was. It was fairly obvious that there was only one person oblivious enough to the workings of school life to vote for a teacher in such an election. "Alright, your class rep is Midoriya and the deputy class rep will be Yaoyorozu."

Still not entirely understanding the purpose of a class rep, Miyako shakily smiles at the pair. "Yay!" She congratulates with everyone else. 

After several more classes, the lunch bell finally rings, and Miyako darts to the bicolored boy. "Will you walk with me again?" 

Todoroki levels her with an even glare, still quite vexed that she dodged his question last evening. "Find your own way." 

"But- I'll get lost in the crowd..." 

"Don't worry Miyako! I'll walk with you!" A savor cheers as she wraps her hands around the girl's shoulders. Miyako spins into Mina's arms as the pink-skinned girl shoots Todoroki a withering glare for being mean to her friend. 

"Mina!" Miyako laughs, completely forgetting about Todoroki's rude words. 

The two walk out, arm and arm, leaving Todoroki alone with his angst. 



not edited 

a/n: just a fun "filler" before some big action. something may have seemed out of place in this chapter but that's a hint for later

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