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(trigger warning: self-harm)

The breath leaves every single person witnessing the training. 

All Might freezes as her words echo in his head. Was this really a hero student?  As he goes to stop the match, Miyako tilts her head causing him to freeze in fear of jeopardizing the students in her hold. 

"Just kidding..." Her chuckle is unlike the soft tinkling the students of 1-A are used to. Dark in tone and malicious, her words don't hold any weight with her accompanying noise. "Why don't you wrap the capture tape around them?" She looks back at her partner, eyes still shadowed by her bangs. 

No one dares to move a muscle. Kirishima stuck with his mouth agape as he stares at the blood-drenched girl. 

As the time continues to tick on and no one makes a move, Miyako frowns. "Why aren't you moving? Do I need to bring them to you?" Miyako flexes her fingers. The movement of her hands similar to a puppeteer as Jiro and Kaminari jerk unnaturally. The creaking of their stiff muscles causes Kirishima to recoil further and All Might to step away from the screen. 

"I have to stop her." All Might whispers. 

In all his years he had never seen power such as hers. Blood manipulation was one thing, but those with the quirk were usually only able to manipulate their own blood. The quirks recorded by the government under such a category were very weak so there was never fear among the heroes or the hero commission. 

Jiro and Kaminari fall to the ground in front of Kirishima. The tape hanging limply from the redhead's hand as he stares at the helpless duo. 

"Capture them," Miyako demands. 

Kirishima jumps, scurrying to follow her demands. Tears drip down Jiro's face as she resigns to her fate. 

Miyako tilts her head as she waits for All Might's call, yet as the time continues to run out the hero is silent. 

"We won, right?" Miyako looks directly into the camera in the corner of the room. Her blazing red eyes burning holes into every single student observing the match. 

All Might shakily presses the button to talk to the participating students. "Yes. Villains win." 

Her body instantly relaxes, her hold on the hero duo dropping and the whites of her hair disappearing back to their natural pink. 

"Whooo!" Miyako cheers. She wipes a bloodied hand across her forehead as if wiping off sweat. "That was so stressful." The young girl bounces on her toes, hands fidgeting in front of her. "Is everyone okay? Kiri?" 

"Yeah." He breathes. Hesitance is clear in his tone. His eyes remain glued on Miyako as he awaits any sudden movement. Her sudden change of behavior and tone of voice caught him off guard but her actions and blood still lingered in his memory. 

Miyako crouches down in front of the panting hero duo. She brushes a hair out of Jiro's face, the girl flinching as a streak of blood is left behind. "Sorry about that. My quirk's kind of brutal but sensei said to use it." 

All Might blanches as the responsibility is placed on him. Bakugou's match should have been a lesson for him on how dangerous these training exercises could go but Miyako was the real home hitter. 

The pinkette was right though. If anything were to have gone wrong it would have been his responsibility as her teacher. Quirks were dangerous and the knowledge he had on each of his student's quirks were very minimal. 

Allowing them free reign in this exercise was dangerous. Far more dangerous than he originally estimated. 

"Please come back to the viewing room for your evaluation." All Might hesitantly says. 

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