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You've lived next to Leon's family for as long as you could remember. Heck, even at one point you started developing a crush on him. But there was never a chance to speak up. As the numbers of the years increased, the fear of, well, everything, did too.

Throughout his journey, Leon considered Sonia his rival, and now currently as his position of champion, the only one close enough to being his rival was Raihan. The thought scared you- those were his rivals, what were you even to him? You feared the thought that with one wrong move he could just leave you in the dust as his title of being the undefeated champion continues. You learned to stay silent as it's what was best- and what you were best at. Insecurity and fear were the words that you could describe yourself with.

When Leon introduced Hop and Victor to their starters, he had offered you the remaining one, but you declined, saying you weren't confident enough to be a trainer, and the responsibility of being one. As the small party to celebrate the beginning of their journey occurred, you couldn't help but sit by yourself, alone with your thoughts. You started regretting not accepting Leon's offer, after all you were a bit older than the beginning trainers, but he and the starter looked happy together, so you best left him alone.

Little did you know, a little bit over a week after Victor and Hop had left, would you encounter the beginning of your journey as well. On your way to Wedgehurst, a fragile looking Rookidee had caught the corner of your eyes. Carefully carrying the small bird pokemon, you rushed to the pokemon center to get it healed.

Thankfully, Nurse Joy had no problem treating the pokemon. After lifting up the bird and holding it in your arms once again, you set out to go back to Route 1. Although not before being stopped by Nurse Joy, saying she had never seen a Rookidee with the colors of the one you had. Taking a closer look, you did notice the difference from the other Rookidees in the route. Instead of it's deep navy blue wings, it was gold. Your thoughts were interrupted when the Rookidee turned around to look at you with a smile, in which you slowly returned.

Heading back to where you first saw the pokemon, you kneeled and put the bird pokemon down.

"Go on." You said with a little nudge and smile.

The pokemon only looked confused, tilting it's head in multiple directions. For a while, the both of you had stared at each other, until the Rookidee had took action. It flew up and grabbed the shiny item around your neck— an item Leon had given you when you were younger. Following the pokemon and yelling pleads to give back your necklace, it soon arrived back at it's destination.

"The Pokemon Center?"

The Rookidee flew over to the Pokeballs displayed on the wall and dropped the necklace on top of them.

"Um... Ah..." You tried speaking to the clerk working at the Mart.

"The... the necklace... It's..." Before you could continue, they had already handed it back to you.

"Thanks..." You quietly mumbled and quickly put it back on your neck.

The Rookidee let out a cry, still flying over the pokeballs.

"Oh... And um... a pokeball... If that's okay, please..?"

"That'll be ¥200." (I know that's like $2 I just used yen because idk there's no pokedollar sign lol)

"Here you go..." You fumbled over your wallet and handed the cash.

"Thanks, come again."

You walked outside, the Rookidee following you. You headed to Route 2, finding an area where hopefully no one could see or hear you, and you threw the pokeball at the Rookidee.

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