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With a gentle touch, you felt his warm breathe on your shoulder as he wrapped a necklace around your neck. It was a farewell gift, saying he would never forget you on his journey. You gave him a tight hug, wishing the moment could last forever, but alas, the monorail had arrived and you both had to part ways.

Your eyes fluttered open, a single tear falling down your face. You missed him. You missed him a lot. Playing together with his Charmander, and the various times you both tried sneaking into the Slumbering Weald and got scolded at after— oh how you wanted it all to come back...

You slowly stood up and grabbed your pokeball, throwing it in the air, releasing your shining Rookidee.

"Today's the day!" You exclaimed to yourself as you changed out of your pajamas into the clothes you have purchased yesterday. Doing so, you remembered the conversation with your parents last night.

"I'm... I'm going to start my own journey... and take on the gyms...!"

"Huh!?" They'd both scream.

After some silence and what seemed like them communicating telepathically, they looked at you and agreed to it. After all, they thought, the people who'd have been her rivals have already finished their gym challenges.

You headed to the living room with everything- your new bag, outfit, and of course, the mask and glasses complimenting the new hairstyle. As your parents looked at you questionably.

"Uh..." They both started.

"Um..! I don't really want anyone to see me... Especially during the gym battles..."

Slightly concerned but more understanding, they shrugged it off and wished you good luck, giving one of the most loving hugs as they walked you to the monorail.

"If anyone asks just... Tell them... Um... I went to Kanto..?" You all laughed.

I'll catch up to you, Leo.

"Wow...!" You breathed out quietly. Stepping out of the monorail and seeing the city of Motostoke with your own eyes was breathtaking. You even took off your sunglasses for a quick second to get a clearer view!

You wandered around the town with Rookidee on your shoulder, with shining eyes at every newfound thing. You found yourself in front of the boutique and hair salon. As tempting as it would be to look at the other clothes in this city and style your hair in different ways, you couldn't for the sake of your disguise.

Maybe in another playthrough.

You walked into the Pokemon Center and immediately ran to the Rotom PC. You started making your own league card— something you've learned trainers in the Galar region did and exchanged with each other.

Selecting your number (will be referred to as (NM)), you were tempted to pick the background with Leon, but you forced yourself to pick one that people wouldn't question you about.

The next thing was the name you wanted to put in. You've spent most— no, ALL of the time on the ride to Motostoke thinking of what name you wanted to go by but were still undecided.

In the end, you just went with the first letter of your name. (will be referred to as F/L) There's a lot of people with names that start by it anyway.

After some finishing touches, you successfully printed it! Now the question was, who to give it to? (hehe if you guys wanna make fanart of your league cards for this story feel free to message me i'd love to see them!!!! remember though reader-chan has a certain hairstyle and accessories w her outfit c: )

Pokemon: Leon x Fem! Reader - BeneathWhere stories live. Discover now