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Making your way through the Galar Mine, you couldn't help but admiring all the crystals decorated naturally on the walls. Walking on the rails did scare you a bit but nothing harmful came from them.

Rookidee sat peacefully on your head while Vulpix sat on your shoulder, giving you a little bit of a shoulder cramp but nothing that killed you.

After battling random trainers and running away from wild Pokémon, you reached the end of the dark mine to be greeted by the bright sunlight of Route 4.

Your eyes could see a view of the next town just beyond the fields of yellow in front of you. Running to an area that looked comfortable, you let your Pokemon off your self and started setting up camp.

"Who's excited for curry!" You smiled under your disguise of a mask and sunglasses as your pokemon started jumping with excitement.

You put in the ingredients you'd picked up on the way, which contained of a Fancy Apple and some sweet berries.

You made sure to fan it just at the right amount of heat and stirred it delicately— of course not forgetting to put your heart into it!

After a quick taste, you and your Pokemon quickly started wolfing the dish down. Finishing the meal, you let a sigh of comfort and satisfaction out.

Once you started getting up to clean and get rid of the leftover curry, you heard a noise behind you. Almost like a—


You found yourself staring at a Yamper who'd been wagging it's tail a mile a minute. You grabbed a used plate from the one Vulpix just ate off of and put the leftover curry in it and handed it to the Yamper.

"Here you go!" You smiled at it as it started eating the food as fast as your own Pokemon did.

Once the Yamper finished, you cleaned all the plates and started packing up camp.

"Well then, see you little one!" You gave the wild pokemon one last pet in the head before making your way to Turffield.

You finished and successfully won another battle with a random trainer in the route as the Vulpix you had just used in the battle returned to your shoulder. Only a couple steps away from the upcoming town, you heard it again—

"Bork bork!"

You questioningly looked at the Yamper. "Sorry buddy, but I can't make any more curry right now. I have my first gym challenge soon!"

"Bork!" The Pokemon ran closer to you.

"Ah okay then, I suppose you can come with us 'til I cook more curry?" You laughed slightly, joking about it. But the Vulpix on your right shoulder didn't take it lightly as it started growling in opposition.

The Yamper started whining and gave you the signature puppy eyes. Unable to resist, you whispered a sorry to Vulpix and threw a Pokeball at Yamper, secretly happy.

With three successful clicks, you released it once again and it circled around you excitedly.

"Welcome to the team Yamper!"

"Bork, bork!" Yamper proceeded to jump on your other shoulder talking to Rookidee while Vulpix just scoffed, refusing to spare a glance at the new member of the team.

"C'mon Vulpix, say hi to Yamper!" You tried persuading the fire type, ignoring the pain of the weight in both your shoulders and head.

"Vul!" The said Pokemon proceeded to jump off your shoulder and release a flamethrower to the dog Pokemon next to your face, nearly burning it off.

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