Time Management

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Time management is so so important.

Set for your self a time table for your studying that accommodates your lifestyle. It's usually pressured on to strictly follow the set timetable, but it's a part of human nature not to follow it word for word. Therefore, try your best to stick to it. Ruby Granger has a nice video uploaded on her channel 'How to make a study timetable'.

In regards to the actual exams, always set your alarms earlier than usual just to avoid any delays. Be in school (examination centre) 15 to 30 minutes prior to the time the exam is starting. The teachers will need to organise you in a specific order (according to your candidate number), take attendance and give out the exam papers, so that will take away some precious time. 

Another important thing, check which exam you have. Make sure of what subject you have the next day and make sure of what paper you have. 

I remember I studied for History and when I was about to go to bed , I walked past my board and I realised that I studied for the wrong paper, I read the variant number as the paper number. This lead me to cramming 3 years worth of information in about 2 hours. I was really stressed and I was crying, I woke up early the next day (which is the day of the exam) to study, and I got an average grade which really upset me (I'M NOT SAYING I DIDN'T DESERVE THAT GRADE, ALL I'M SAYING IS THAT I WISHED FOR A BETTER ONE). Overall, it was a terrible experience and I do not wish for anyone else to go through that. So please make sure of the subject and paper you will be tested on

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