Self Love

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I know that exam months are such tough days, and I know that you need to put in you 110% effort into studying. But taking care of yourself and your health should be your number one priority

Don't skip meals because you don't have time, and I'm pretty sure you've heard this countless times but... BREAKFAST IS THE MOST IMPORTANT MEAL OF THE DAY!!!!

It kick-starts your metabolism. It supplies your body with glucose and provides other essential nutrients to keep your energy levels up throughout the day (The mitochondria shouldn't be the only thing providing your body with energy). Breakfast legit helps you function during your day. And this doesn't only apply to breakfast, but to ALL your meals!!!

Have some snacks beside you while studying; and by snacks, I don't mean chips and candy. Green tea, vegetables, fruits, dates, nuts! These contain high nutritious values that help you focus (I know I probably sound like your mom right now, but I gotta do what I gotta do)

Another thing that I'm sure you hear all the time is: 'drink lots of water'. Let's keep it simple, our brain just works better when it is well-hydrated, it function faster. In other words, you become smarter, WOOP WOOP (it also clears up your skin, it's really a win win situation here). So hydrate hydrate ✌️✌️✌️

Onto my next point; spend time with family and friends. And by that I don't mean neglect your studies and just hang out and chill. Spend like 30 minutes with your family, talk to them about your life, let them talk to you about their lives (well the other part of their life other than them "walking miles through the Sahara desert to go to school"), play board games, spill tea!! And the same goes for spending time with le friends. Don't just spend the 24 hours of your day with your physics book in front of your face, honey, you deserve to see prettier sites.

You should also exercise. The hormone serotonin is released specifically during exercise, this hormone improves your self-esteem, boosts your mood and overall sense of well-being. You can do 10 minutes of cardio, go for a jog, meditate. Just 10 minutes, 2 to 3 times a week.

Onto the next and most important point: sleep. Sleep, an exercise that many teenagers do not do, especially during exam season. You need to give yourself 8 to 9 hours' of sleep every night, this will help your brain to fully function the next day for your exam, your concentration levels will remain high and you will have more energy throughout the day. Just by sleeping, you're getting a free 25% added to your grade. So kids, please sleep, take your naps.



I know it's been centuries since the last time I updated this tips book, A Levels have been such a b!tch to me, but now I'm back. I was procrastinating, I didn't want to study for next weeks mid terms, so I thought 'What better way to procrastinate other than updating the tips book!'

Anyways, I hope you have a wonderful day, byeee

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