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She doesn't know this, but she may have just saved my life. A bruise forms where Tony's hand was. With a last angry look, Tony let's me go. I rub the spot as soon as he lets go of me and wrap a towel around myself .

After letting me go and throwing his t-shirt at me and commanding me to get dressed quickly, he unlocks the door and it swings open to reveal Jackie. I had tried picturing her out in my head- what she'd look like from her voice. She isn't what I expected. She has icy blue eyes and dyed jet black hair cut into a pixie. She's tall and skinny with really long legs. She is in a baggy graphic t-shirt with a rose design at the front and a tight mesh top underneath it. It sits mid thigh to her black jeans paired with black ankle boots.

I have to admit, I really like her outfit. She catches me admiring her look- more like gawking at her but potato, potahto. I sheepishly smile, suddenly feeling really insecure and under dressed for the meeting.

"I'm sorry we had to meet under these circumstances." Jackie says to me with her hand outstretched. "Jacqueline. Jackie for short." She says.

I nod my head agreeing with meeting under these circumstances- as a half dressed hostage.

"Madison Summers." I say taking her hand and shaking it.

Ryan walks in and closes the door behind him. Tony is standing with his thumb and index pinching the bridge of his nose in obvious annoyance.

"Both of you, get out of my room."

"Nah." Ryan says jumping onto the bed. "Put some fucking pants on." Ryan says throwing them at Tony.

"So, you're the girl, huh?" she asks after saying "what he said" in response to Tony who's now putting on his pants.

Before I can answer, Tony is next to her and practically drags her out and leaves the room.


I look at my small body and ask myself if it could even carry a child. I shake my head and ask Ryan the same question after telling him everything. He caught me at a vulnerable time- he survived an earful from me about his brother.

"Sure, you can." Ryan says from the bed. "He's just mad because I beat him to it." He jokes and laughs alone.

"This is not a game, Ryan. This is my life we're talking about!" I yell- angry at both him and his brother. My anger that had dampened reignites and I have the sudden urge to scream. He sits up quickly.

"Madison..." he trails off before standing and giving me a hug. I stay silent and after a few seconds, relax into his arms and close my eyes.

I'm still mumbling about how this situation is all Tony's fault when he barges in. He stops dead in his tracks when he sees us hugging in the middle of the room.

"Ryan, your car is here for you." He says with a questioning look.

We pull away and he gives me a kiss on the forehead and says "we'll talk about this later, okay?" I nod at he heads for the door.

The jacket looks perfect on him and I give myself a mental pat on the back. Tony grabs Ryan and whispers something in his ear before he leaves.

"Have fun." I say to Ryan before he leaves.

"I will." He says back at me.

"Madison Summers what the fuck was that?"

I fold the clothes that have piled up on the chair coming from the washing. I ignore him until he repeats himself- practically screaming at me making me jump out of my body almost.

"What was what?" I ask uninterested, continuing with folding the clothes. Tony snatches his t-shirt I'm folding from my hands.

"Are you fucking him too?" He asks sounding seriously angry.

I run my hands down my face in exhaustion and frustration at his question.

"Are you hearing yourself right now?" I ask him.

"Answer the fucking question!" he yells at me, grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me.

A scream rips from me in actual fear. He looks ready to kill someone and by the looks of it, that someone is me.

He releases me and punches the wall instead, leaving a dent. I hear his knuckles crack and watch as the blood drips down into the carpet.

"I don't know how you can ask me that." I say throwing my hands up.

"Well you fucked me for a t-shirt." He yells.

Cheap. That's what he's calling me.

My lips quiver and I feel sick as my eyes sting with tears from his comments.

I nod my head, looking down and watch the teardrop drop into the carpet.

Blood. Sweat. Tears. All in this carpet.

"I was a virgin before I got here." I say. It comes out softer than I intended but I'm defeated. I look up at him with my tear stained face, even with knowing he gets off on it.

"Are you happy?" I ask him before I leave everything and get into bed, no longer interested in food, Tony's bullshit and life in general. I am reminded of the switchblade I have tucked under the mattress as I fling myself onto the bed.

Looking up at the ceiling, I close my eyes and picture the galaxy painted ceiling in my room. My dad thought it would be "cool" to have a galaxy like ceiling and since I loved to paint, I was more than happy to paint small stars. Eventually I learnt how to properly paint in high school and attempted to draw the planets, but it was difficult doing it properly standing.

That day, Stardust tipped the paint over and proceeded to decorate my room with his paint-dipped paws. I can almost feel how her wet tongue slid on my face when Zoey and her would barge into my room in the morning. My mother did not believe in locks. Even after I got into college and could get myself one with my savings. I worked weekends at a grocery store close to my house. My father dropped me off there every Saturday he worked with his partner Charles. I remember how my dad would talk about all the bad guys he had gotten off the streets and I'd barely listen. Usually, I would catch onto the last few words at the end and ask him a question on that. Now sitting here, thinking how my dad feels having lost his daughter to one of the bad guys pulls at my heart.

"I want to go home." I say in between sobs.

"Not with my kid." He says before he turns and leaves, slamming the door behind him.

Anna says: Thank you so much for the reads, the votes and the comments. They encourage me to keep writing, despite being buried in assignments and work.

Please vote, let me know your randomest thoughts in the comments and what you think x.

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