Chapter Five

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                                                                                      CHAPTER FIVE

Nikolas watched her beautiful figure disappear down the stairs, he traced his lips with his finger. Fuck she had his head in a whirlwind. She was right his world wasn't for her, that's why he never made his move. Bringing Lana into his world was a very dangerous move but Nikolas was finding life was proving difficult day by day without Lana by his side. He would make her happy that would be his sole purpose in life but there was no way Lana would give up what she had to be with Nikolas. Lana liked normality she had a job, friends and an average joe for her boyfriend. She was very independent. Nikolas would have her in sight always, he wouldn't let anyone come near her he would suffocate her and there's no way she would allow that.

Santino opened the door. He looked at Nikolas, who was deep in thought.

''We got him'' said Santino.

''Okay'' replied Nikolas calmly, he walked over to his chair and grabbed his suit jacket he quickly put it on hiding his holster. Santino shut the door behind them. Nikolas had work to do, as he walked into the crowd he could feel Lana's eyes on him but he chose not to look at her. Nikolas had left three bodyguards to keep an eye on Lana. If anyone was to touch her they had instructions to kill them.

Nikolas jumped in his yellow Ferrari 488 spider convertible, he pressed a button which made the roof top go down, he whizzed through the Miami strip. He needed to do some damage tonight he needed an outlet, he felt sorry for the poor fucker who was going to get the wrath of him. He put his foot on the accelerator, he looked in his mirror Santino and the rest of his men were having trouble keeping up with him. The wind blew through Nikolas's dark hair. He took a deep breath in. He finally reached his mansion. His valet was on que, he jumped out and threw the keys. He walked inside and went straight to the wine basement, Santino was right behind him. Nikolas went down the basement steps, there was a small black pad in the wall, he pressed his finger on it. There was only two people who could get through this him and Santino. Suddenly the wine racks parted leaving the wall to part. They entered to what was a torture chamber, there was a man gagged and bound to a chair in the middle of the room.

Nikolas took off his suite jacket and passed it to Santino, he undone the button on his sleeves and rolled them up slightly. He then grabbed a chair and turned it around straddling it. Santino removed the gag from the guy's mouth.

''Mr Garcia there's been some kind of mix up '' said the guy breathlessly.

''don't lie to me Andre, you been dipping your fingers in my supply'' Nikolas said slightly tilting his head.

''No! Mr Garcia I would never steal from you! Please you have to believe me'' he said lips quivering.

''You see Andre the Mexicans have been busting my balls since you only went and dipped your fingers in their shipment, they want your blood, I told them to let me deal with you'' said Nikolas.

Nikolas stood up. He walked over to the apparatus table that was against the wall, he started to pick up the small instruments. He then picked up a cigar cutter. He walked casually over to Andre.

''you know what's the two things I hate in life'' said Nikolas.

''No'' replied the man scared.

'' I hate thief's and liars, both of which you are'' said Nikolas as he grabbed Andre's forefinger, he pushed it through the cutter and within a second his finger was lying on the floor. He then took another finger and without hesitation cut it off.

Andre was screaming and crying in pain, blood squirted from his amputated fingers. He then walked back over to the table and got a small knife and stood behind Andre, tilting his neck back he made a clean straight cut slicing his throat open. He casually walked over to Santino handing him the knife.

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