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Lana p.o.v 

I looked at the shabby cabin, it wasn't the best accommodation it wasn't home but it would do. We was shacked up in a little town called Oakwood creek. It was a small knit community, it had a bar a little convenience store and a church. It was far from Miami but that's what I needed. A day never went passed that I didn't think of Nikolas, I fucking missed him so bad. 

''Okay so I will be back later I need  a drink this town is really boring the fuck out of me, I miss Miami'' said Shei pouting her lips. We had this conversation like once a day. I told her we would move soon we couldn't stay in one place. we had been in Oakwood creek for about two months and Shei hated this place. 

 ''I know, next week we will start back on the road'' I said giving hope to shei that she wouldn't have to endure this shit hole of a place any longer. 

''Dont stay out for too long okay'' I said always worried that Shei would bring trouble back. She had loose lips.  

End of Lanas P.O.V 

Shei entered the old bar, it smelt of cigarettes and whiskey. She walked straight up to the bar and sat on the bar stool. She done a quick glance over her shoulder it had become a habit. 

''Hey suzie what can I get you'' asked the bar tender.

Suzie was sheis new name she gave when she escaped Miami.

''just a dirty martini please'' replied shei with a smile.

A hour had passed Shei was having a blast.

''yea so Miami is like the place to be'' said Shei 

''Maybe one day you could show me'' flirted the bar tender. 

''sure, my best friend would love you'' said Shei.

''Who is your friend, you always come in here by yourself?'' curiously asked the bar tender.

''My friend well let me tell you this she was with the crime lord of Miami, Mr Nikolas Garcia'' whispered Shei.

''Is that so '' smirked the bar tender.

''So where are you guys staying?'' he asked.

''A little run down cabin by the creek'' said Shei tipping her glass back. Just as she placed the glass back down she saw a glimpse of the bar tenders cell phone, he was messaging but was trying not to show it.

''I better go'' said Shei quickly getting up.

''Ill give you a lift ?'' he shouted after her. 

Shei had a bad feeling, Fuck only if she had listened to Lana. She quickly jumped in the old pick up truck and sped off back to the cabin.


The next morning.

Lana p.o.v 

The smell of fresh eggs and sausages hit my nose as I walked down the stairs. I looked as I watched Shei cook like a maniac in the kitchen she looked rather flustered. 

''Its not my birthday what's the special occasion?'' I asked suspiciously. I walked inside the kitchen and sat at the table.

''Nothing I just wanted to apologise for last night you know about me having a hissy fit about this place'' said Shei as she placed a delicious looking breakfast in front of me.

''I'm just glad you never blew the kitchen up'' I laughed.

''Look I admit cooking is not my forte but I tried'' shei laughed.

As I tucked in to my breakfast I looked at Shei, she was the sister I never had. She was my ride or die. Shei had left all her life just to start over with me. She was right this place was a shit hole and we needed to start living a little. Nine months had gone past , I think we was safe.

''hey I was thinking why don't we go out to the town next to us and get some dinner tonight you know, dress up like how we used to and just have a nice meal'' I suggested.

''What are you serious? Omg I'm going to die right now , are we actually going to get dressed up like normal people and go to a actual restaurant'' laughed Shei.

''I mean like its been nine months nothings happened, I think were safe'' I said as I scoffed a forkful of eggs.

''Yes'' said Shei as she hugged me with excitement. 


Nikolas beat the punching bag like it was human flesh. Sweat dripped from his jet black locks. His torso was chiselled and lean. With every movement  you could see the outline of each  muscle. Nikolas's appearance had changed in the nine months. He was much muscly and his long raven locks were now short. His thick facial hair was now a light stubble but was very neat. He hadn't smiled in the nine months that Lana had been gone. He exhausted every avenue in finding Lana it was like she had disappeared off the face of the earth.

Santino burst through the door.

''Niko we found them'' shouted Santino.

Nikolas froze, he didn't look behind him. He pounded the punch bag erratically. Taking all of his built up aggression out. He then held the punch bag still preventing it from moving. 

''Get the car ready'' he said through gritted teeth. 

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