Ch. 11 24 hours pregnant

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I wake up the next morning and see Jake next to me. I slide out from his grip and go get water for him. I grab my car keys and drive to Mc Donalds to get greasy food. When I get back there was a package at my door.
"Oh! S***! I forgot I ordered that belly for the challenge!" I say. I grab the box and go to Jake's apartment. I open the door and set the box down. I bring the food into Jake's room and shake him awake.
"Huh, oh. Hey baby!" He smiles.
"Hungry?" I ask and show him the food.
"Yeah! I don't have a headache!" He smiles.
"Good because today, my package arrived for the 24 hours being pregnant challenge!" I say. Jake start beaming!
"Yay! I can't wait!" He says.
"I need to find an outfit to wear with it!" I say. I run out and grab the box. I ope it and see the belly. It was for 6 months.
"Ok, so let me get dressed and then we can head to your apartment and get you ready!" Jake says. I smile at him.
"Jake you are so cute!" I say. Jake gets dressed and grabs the box.
"Ok, ready to go to my place?" I ask Jake.
"Yup! Let's get to your apartment!" Jake says. We walk to my aparment and I go to my room. I look through all of my clothes for a strectchy but tight dress. I finally find one and I put on the belly and dress. I quickly do my hair and makeup.

 I quickly do my hair and makeup

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I walk out and grab my camera

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I walk out and grab my camera. I stand next to Jake and start recording.
"Hey guys! It's Y/N! I am here with my boyfriend Jake! Today we are doing the 24 hours being pregnant!" I say. Jake wraps his arms undermeath my belly. He kisses my cheek and puts his head on my shoulder.
"You are so cute pregnant baby!" Jake says. I smile.
"Thank you Jakey!" I kiss him.
"I can't wait for you to get pregnant!" Jake says cheekily. I smile and look down.
"Jake, I already am!" I say.
"WAIT WHAT?" He asks. I laugh.
"Do you not see my stomach?" I say.
"You really just did that!" Jake says.
"I love you!" I say. Jake smiles.
"I love you too baby!" Jake smiles.
"Ok, let's go to the mall and get maternity stuff!" I say. Jake smiles.
"I am so excited! First we need to show Sam and Colby!" Jake says. I smile. We walk to Sam's aparment and knock.
"Hey- WHAT THE F***!" Sam says. I laugh. Colby walks up next to Sam.
"How the hell?" Colby asks.
"It's fake!" I smile.
"Oh, jeez! I was about to say Jake was gonna die!" Sam sas. I laugh.
"How the hell would I grow this much in one night?" I ask. We laugh.
"But seriously, I want a baby with this girl right here!" Jake says and wraps his arms around me.
"Um, NO!" Sam says.
"Sam, calm down!  He's joking!" I say.
"No I wasn't!" He replies.
"Well, he doesn't want a kid like right now! He wants one eventually!"  I say.
"Yeah!" Jake says.
"My baby sister, my rules!" Sam says. I look at him.
"I make my own decisions! I'm an adult!" I say.
"Seriously, dude, let her be her!" Colby says
"I get being protective, Sam, but she is her own person and she can make her own choices!" Jake says.
"Oh I don't wanna hear it from you Webber! I see you with Jillian!" Sam says.
"That's different! She is 18!" Jake says.
"An adult!" Sam says
"She is still a teenager bub!" I say. Sam looks at me.
"Stay out of this!" Sam spits out. I look at him hurt. I walk away from the three boys and go down the stairs to the lobby. I hear footsteps following me. It was Jake. He hugs me.
"Let's go shopping later. We can postmates Taco Bell and chill at the apartment!" Jake says.
"I want to see Devyn, Xepher, and Kat!" I say. I text them and they tell me that they are coming over. Me and Jake ride the elevator back to his apartment and wait. We soon hear a knock at the door. I open it and wrap my arms around the girls. I turn on my camera and record them being over.
"Wait when did this happen?" Devyn says circling my stomach with her finger. I laugh.
"It's fake!" I say. We all laugh and sit on Jake's couch. He leaves us to get Taco Bell. 30 minutes later, Jake still hasn't come home and I start to get worried. I call him.
You- Jake, where the hell are you?
Jake- I had to- make a- pit stop!
You- Why are you so out of breath?
Jake- I was- running-
You- OK. Love you
Jake- L-l-love you too baby!
I hang up on Jake and look at the girls.
"I don't trust that!" Xepher says.
"Neither do I!" Kat says. I look at Devyn. She shakes her head.
"I should probably tell you guys that me and Corey broke up!" Devyn blurts out. We all look at her and hug her.
"Awe! I'm so sorry baby girl! I'll edit that out if you want!" I say. She smiles and nods. Jake walks in the door, covered in sweat. I see a bit of red under is lower lip. I look at Kat, Dev, and Xeph.
"Hey baby!" Jake says. I wipe the red from his lip.
"Is this lipstick?" I ask. Jake looks at me.
"No!" He lies.
"Don't lie to me Jake! Who's is it?" I ask.
"It's not lipstick baby! It's sauce!" Jake lies again. Tears threaten to spill out of my eyes.
"No it's not Jake! Just tell me who you were just banging!" I say forcefully.
"Her name is Tara! I met her at my birthday party and-" I cut him.
"AND YOU CHEATED ON ME WITH HER!" I say. Tears roll down my cheeks as I collect my stuff from his apartment.
"Y/N! Please!" Jake says.
"NO JAKE! WE ARE OVER!" I yell. The girls help me and we walk out of the door to my apartment. We put all my stuff on the floor and wak back to Jake's. I throw his key at him.
"Y/N!" He tries to say.
"F*** YOU!" I say and slam the door. I walk to my apartment and change into a baggy T-shirt and sweat pants. I take the fake belly off and we all walk over to Sam's. I knock.
"Hey, what's wrong?" Colby answers. I wrap my arms around him and cry. We go inside and the girls explain everything.
"Jake went to Taco Bell and He was gone for a good 30 minues before Y/N/N called him!" Kat says.
"When she called him, he was out of breath! When he came back there was lipstick on his lower lip and covered in sweat!" Devyn says.
"Y/N asked if it was lpstick and he lied. He finally told her it was this girl he met at her party named Tara!" Xepher says.
"So Jake cheated?" Sam asks. I nod.
"Just don't do anything! We can't mess up the holy traphouse family!" I say. I put my head on Colby's shoulder. He wraps his arm around my shoulders. More tears start falling.
"Hey, don't cry! He's obviously dumb for cheating on someone like you and we will expose him!" Colby says. I let out a small laugh.
"No. It will only make things worse!" I say. There was a knock at the door. I go and open it. A short girl with brown hair stood there.
"Sorry, we aren't interested in any girl schout cookies!" I say.
"Sorry, I'm not selling any. Is this Sam's apartment?" She asks.
"What does it mean to you?" I ask.
"My name is Tara. I just wanted to meet my boyfriend's best friends!" She smiles. I let my smle fall to a frown.
"Well, they aren't exactly best friends anymore. Sam is my brother and your so called "boyfriend" was my boyfriend half an hour ago, you wh***!" I say. She gives me a look.
"OH! YOU'RE THE B**** JAKE WAS TELLING ME ABOUT!" She says. I give her a disgusted look.
"Me? The b**** in this situation? No honey! I've been with Jake since I moved here in April. It's July. You guys has only been f*** buddies since June 12, Jake's birthday party. I know ALL the details, b****!" I say. I turn around and shut the door in Tara's face. I get on Instagram.

I had fun with you Jake but I can't keep a cheater as my boyfriend! I hope you don't treat Tara like you did me

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I had fun with you Jake but I can't keep a cheater as my boyfriend! I hope you don't treat Tara like you did me. Have fun with your f*** buddy Jake
Y/S/NY/NJake: Wait Jake cheated on you?
Y/NandJakey: Never thought Jake would do that to you.
TaraYummy: I will have fun with him. Have fun being lonely!
Y/NGold: Oh, I'm not lonely! I have friends, I don't steal boyfriends like you

"Well, she's done for!" Colby says. I laugh.
"With the Sam and Colby fans, my fans, and the Y/S/N fans, Tara is going down!" I say. Colby and I smile at eachother.
"Is there already a new romance budding already?" Sam asks. Everyone laughs. I look away from Colby and stand up.
"I need to go to the bathroom, wait are these Jake's sweatpants? Yup. These are the ones I stole from him. Anybody got sweatpants I can use?" I ask. Colby gets up and runs to his apartment. He comes back in and hands me the XPLR sweatpants and a camo XPLR hoodie.
"Here!" Colby says.
"Uh, thanks Colby!" I say.
"You're welcome!" Colby says. I go to the bathroom and sit down on the floor. I have liked Colby since Sam first brought him to the house in Kansas. A long time. I quickly change and walk out. I sit next to Colby and he wraps his arms around me. I smile at Colby and lean onto him. He smiles at me and I slowly fall asleep on Colby. I feel strong arms around. I barely open my eyes and see blue. I assume it was Colby.
"Colby? Where are you taking me?" I ask, tired.
"Your apartment!" Colby says.
"Will you stay with me please?" I ask.
"Y/N," Colby says.
"Colby, please stay!" I say. Colby smiles.
"I will until you fall back asleep. OK?" Colby says.
"No, all night!" I say.
"I'll sleep o the couch!" Colby says
"No, you can sleep next to me!" I say. Colby opens the door to my appartment and lays me on the bed.
"Goodnight Y/N!" Colby says walking away. I grab his wrist.
"Please Colby!" I say. He smiles.
"Fine!" Colby says. He takes off his hoodie and shirt. He pulls of his shoes and climbs into bed next to me. I cuddle up next to him and fall asleep.

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