Ch. 16 Gender

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I smile at Colby as we walk hand-in-hand to the doctors. When we walk through the door of the room I got super nervous.
"Babe, we are about to find out the gender of our baby!" I say. Colby nods. They put the gel on my stomach and me and Colby look away so that they can put the gender on a piece of paper. We were gonna give to Katrina and Sam. They would go out and buy an buch of stuff that relates to the gender and we would have mini gender reveal, facetiming our parents, all of Colby and I's friends would be there, and of course Sam and Kat. I smile at Colby as I was anded the paper. I pull out the camera once we get to the car.
"Hey guys!" Colby says when I start recording.
"Hola partners! It's Y/N and Colby! We just finished finding out the gender of the baby!" I say and hold up the envelops that encases the paper.
"We have no idea what it is but when we get back we are giving the paper to Sam and Kat!" Colby says.
"They are gonna go to the store and buy stuff that corralates to the gender while we call over out friends and call out parents!" I smile.
*Kat's P.O.V.*
I smile at Sam and start recording after Y/N and Colby give us the envelope.
"So before we start driving we are going to open the envelope!" Sam says. I rip it open and stare at it for a couple of seconds.
"We won't be telling you until we reveal it to Y/N and Colby!" I smile.
*Y/N's P.O.V.*
I smile at my mom and Dad.
"My babygirl is a mom!" My mom cries. I smile.
"Mom! Stop you are gonna make me cry!" I say. The door opens and Sam walks in holding a huge box. Kat walks in right after him holding a bag.
"The box is just a crib we got for you guys!" Sam smiles. I sit the phone on the floor so they would see then we opened the bag and me and Colby start recording. We explain what is going on and Colby sits next to me. We look at eachother and smile before pulling tissue paper out of the bag. The first thing falls out. It was a little rattle. After we pull all of the wrapping paper out we close our eyes and tip the bag so everything rolls on the floor. Everyone around us screams and we open our. I squeal seeing the assortment of blue things laying in front of me and Colby.
"IT'S A BOY!" We all yell. I try to hold back the tears but they start falling. Colby wraps his arms around me and swings me.
"Greyson Ace Brock!" He whispers. My eyes widen. We need to announce his name. We would have to edit this part out so we can have it for another video.
"Griff shut up!" I hear Xepher mutter.
"Our baby boy's name will be Greyson Ace Brock!" I announce. Everyone "AWWWWW's" and I can't help but smile.
"BRO I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" Sam says hugging Colby. I smile at the two.
"Mini ghost hunter!" Colby says. Our parents have hung up by now so we are all being adults and everyone but me are drinking. I watch and Colby and Jake talk about the kids. The way Colby was smiling about our baby makes me smile.
"Colbs?" I ask. He turns to me and walks over quickly. I slide off the bar stool and meet him. He wraps his arms around me and I put his head on his chest.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"Nothing, I just want a hug babe!" I say. He lets out small laugh and kisses my head. I smile and lift my head up for a kiss. I pucker my lips and Colby laughs. He connects out lips and I wrap my arms around his neck. His tounge slides across my bottom lip and I pull away.
"What?" He asks when I look at him.
"Everyone is here babe!" I say. He laughs and lets me go. He goes into the kitchen with Jake, Sam, and Corey to talk about their next series. I stay with Devyn, Cassie, Xepher, Tara, and Kat in the living room so we can talk about the baby.
"So you guys are gonna have a proper baby shower, right?" Tara asks.
"Yeah, we were actually gonna ask if you guys could plan it!" I say. They all smile and nod.
"That's so sweet Y/N!" Kat says.
"I mean if I want anyone to do it I want it to be my best friends and my sister!" I smile. Kat starts crying. I wrap my arms around her and the guys walk over to us.
"Babe?" Colby asks.
"Yeah?" I answer.
"We might go to Australia for a week for a video! I just need to know if it's ok with you!" He says.
"As long as you all check your s*** before coming back so there's no spiders ok!" I smile.
"What if you go into labor?" Colby asks.
"Baby, I'm only 20 weeks. The lowest amount of weeks for early labor is 28! I'll be fine!" I say. He smiles.
"We are gonna book a flight for Thursday!" Colby says.
"Make sure to pack stuff for warm weather because it's hot there!" Tara says. Colby rolls his eyes.
"We know Tara!" He says. He's been pissed at Tara since she made him eat spicy pickles. I smack his arm and he looks at me. I glare at him and he apologizes.
"Thank you!" I whisper. He gives me a sarcastic smile. I look at him and he laughs. Eventually everyone leaves and we get settled to go to sleep.

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