Chapter 2 - Baby Steps

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For the last four nights, Namjoon had shown up at my house for dinner, even offering to do the dishes afterwards. He may be a helpless baby, but he had impeccable manners and although he did break one of my glasses in the sink, he offered to buy me a new one. It was cute watching him be so clumsy. His looks certainly didn't match his personality. His looks could kill the runway and body could easily be featured in dirty magazines, but he was an absolute sweetie and just the biggest dork ever. How does someone this attractive end up being so awkward and silly? I didn't care to find that answer, he was a blast to be around. In just these four days, he had wormed his way deep into my heart and quickly became a good friend.

The weekend came, and I was up early, getting some tools and cooking necessities together. I threw on an old t-shirt and some overalls, tied my hair up in a pony and slipped on some ratty sneakers before heading over to Namjoon's with a basket of muffins I had made the night before. Prancing across the yards, I knocked on his door and waited. A few minutes later, he answered the door rubbing his eyes, still half asleep wearing only a pair of long sleep pants. I almost dropped my toolbox and struggled to keep hold of the muffin basket, looking the gorgeous man up and down, admiring his topless physique.

"...Jina??", he squinted his eyes open.

"Go..goodmo...morning Namjoon....", I stammered, trying not to stare. "I brought you some breakfast.", I held up the basket.

The delicious aroma hit his nose and his eyes opened up, "Am I dreaming??"

"No... why?"

"I had a dream you showed up with food wearing only a...", he caught himself, "Never mind... Good morning.", he smiled politely. "Thank you for breakfast, come on in."

Shrugging off what he said while he was still mostly asleep, I walked in and put my things down by the front door, moving to the kitchen to put the muffins on the counter. Namjoon came out of the bedroom pulling a black tank over his head. I couldn't take my eyes off him, watching his muscles flex and move with his arms over his head, maneuvering the shirt down. When he put his head up to look my way, I quickly turned away. He came to stand in front of me and plucked a blueberry muffin from the basket looking me up and down.


"Aren't you something today...", he licked a crumb from his lip.

"Just what the hell does that mean?", I shifted my weight and glared at him.

"That's quite the outfit.", he smiled, showing off those damn dimples.

"It's not an outfit, they are working clothes. I'm here to get things done, not have a playdate... and you are one to talk Mr. Answers-the-Door-Half-Naked..."

"Half naked?? I was wearing long pants!"

"And no shirt...", I blushed.

"I'm a guy... last time I checked, it was okay for us to do that.", he arched a brow. "But I wouldn't protest if you decided to answer the door for me like that..."

"Shut up and eat your free breakfast...", I took the muffin from his hand and stuffed it in his mouth.

Walking back to the door, I bent to pick up my toolbox and heard a mumble from him behind me. Ignoring it, I walked past him, tossing my long ponytail to the side, slapping him with it as I walked to his study to deal with the bookshelf.

"Feisty...", he mumbled as he followed me in.

I saw he had already cleaned up the books in nice neat stacks along the wall and propped the shelving up next to them. At least he was clean - I looked over at the desk that was covered in random junk – mostly clean.

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