Chapter 17 - Success?

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"NAMJOON!!!", I yelled through sniffles and tears. "NAMJOON!!! EOMMA! APPA!", someone, anyone, hear me... I can't move.

The door flew open and Namjoon rushed to my side, seeing me on the floor, face red and eyes swollen.

"Ji, what's the matter, baby?? What happened?? Are you okay? Are you hurt?", he was frantically looking me over. All I could do was cry more.

"What happened??", Eomma burst in with Appa right behind. "Jina-ya, what's wrong? Are you hurt?"

I couldn't make my mouth move to form words, they just wouldn't come. I was having too much trouble processing what I had seen. I grabbed the dropped stick and held it up to show them.

I watched as all three of them leaned closer to see the small marking on the indicator screen. As if someone had kicked them in the ass all at once, their eyes opened wide and Namjoon's jaw hung open.

"A plus sign...", he muttered into the dead silence, "Does that mean, positive? It does, doesn't it? Are you... are we...?"

"SHE'S PREGNANT!!!!", Eomma screamed, turning to hug Appa.

Namjoon was hanging over my shoulders, holding me tight, his own tears beginning to fall. I wrapped my arms around him and cried harder. I was a wreck, sitting there in tears and disbelief, I couldn't make myself stand. Soon Eomma was down to give me a hug when Namjoon had moved back to brush the wetness from my face and get me a piece of toilet paper to blow my nose.

"I'll make you a doctor's appointment right now, we need to know for sure.". Eomma gave me a squeeze and was on the move to find a phone.

After calling around to a few places, she found an office with an opening in three hours and booked it. By the time she came back, I had gotten up and was starting to dry my face. I had to, Namjoon wouldn't stop kissing me long enough to continue crying. I can't even express the level or happiness and joy I was feeling. I couldn't put the filthy little stick down, I just kept staring at that plus sign... the simple little symbol that had brightened and changed our lives forever.

Three hours seemed like an eternity, I couldn't handle the wait. "Is it time yet?"


"I want to know now! We still don't know for sure... so many came back negative... what if this one was a fluke?"

"It's not."

"How do you know?!", I was latched onto his chest, fear taking me over.

"I just know. Just how I knew that you were sure to get pregnant from our last time..."

"You DID say that didn't you?", I thought back to his words the last time we had sex when I was ovulating.

"So just trust me. It's real. We are finally pregnant."

I really wanted him to be right. I gave in and put all my hope and prayers into his confidence. He better be right, cause this will destroy me if he's wrong.


In the waiting room, I was more fidgety than ever. Hurry up! Call me in already! About thirty minutes passed and I finally heard my name called. They wanted me to come alone, but I insisted that we all get to go. The nurse reluctantly agreed and led us to a small room in the back.

"The doctor will be with you in just a moment."

More waiting... I hated it all! Tell me now damnit! The door creaked open and I sat up straight.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Lee, it's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Kim. I understand you may have a little one on the way."

"I hope so, sir."

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