Chapter 13 - Two Becomes One

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In the morning, the only ones up early enough to see us off were Seokjin and Yoongi. Seokjin made us a little something quick to eat on the go and Yoongi walked us out.

"Thanks for letting us stay with you again.", I hugged Seokjin before heading to the elevator with the guys. "And thank you for breakfast."

"Anytime. You are coming back here after the wedding, right?"

"We will be staying in a hotel the night after.", Namjoon winked. "Don't really want to spend our wedding night on a blow up in the middle of the living room."

"I like your idea better...", Seokjin rolled his eyes.

I walked down to the elevator holding Namjoon's hand with Yoongi walking on the other side of me, head down the whole way. Something was still bothering him, unfortunately I didn't have any time to stop and ask him about it.

"I'll see you in two days, hyung.", Namjoon gave Yoongi a little fist bump.

"Yeah, we'll be there."

"See you soon, Yoongs.", I gave him a hug.

"I was oppa, now I'm 'Yoongs'?"

"I like to mix it up.", I laughed with a wave as we got on the elevator. When the doors closed, I saw Yoongi turn to walk back, but he had a troubled frown on his face. I hope he would be okay.

Namjoon and I were both excited the whole way to his parents. In just two short days we would be married, and while nothing would really change between us, the thought of the titles alone had us on cloud nine. Soon he would be my husband and I, his wife. We looked at each other and smiled, we both had the same thoughts on our minds.

Arriving once again on the doorstep of my soon to be in-laws, Namjoon stiffened and knocked on the door.

"Namjoon-ah! Jina-ya!", Eomma greeted us with a sparkling smile that rivaled her son's.

"So good to see you again, Eomma!", I wrapped her up in a hug.

Namjoon stared, trying to process the instant family welcome. Soon, his father was right behind to welcome him home.

"I'm glad to be home again so soon, Appa. I missed you both, too.", he hugged his father.

"Namjoon-appa, Jina-ya spoke Korean!", his mother was so proud. "Come in dear, tell me everything!"

"Not so fast.", I laughed, "My Korean is very... umm... limited.", I found my words without help.

"You will learn. I'm so proud.", she smiled.

For the next two days, Eomma went over how the ceremony would work, what I would need to do and how to properly perform it. It all sounded like out of a classic historical movie. I felt like I was going to be a princess in another land – and my price would be Namjoon. I kept glancing off at him as he laughed and casually spoke with his father.

"Look at you.", Eomma cooed, "You so in love, can't take eyes off him."

"I'm sorry, Eomma. I promise I'm paying attention."

"Don't be sorry, my dear. I'm so happy my son find someone who loves him so much. You take very good care of that one, he's special."

"He really is...", I took a deep breath and smiled in his direction, "He's so kind and considerate. A real gentleman."

"That makes me happy to hear.", she took my hands, "We will make you perfect for wedding. Get you maybe three gowns to change through ceremony, all included."

"Oh no, you don't have to do that much. One dress will be plenty."

"You sure? Most girls get three or four cause they so cheap to rent."

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