Chapter 3 Proelium

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It was mostly an ordinary day in the Honnouji Academy, Mako was sleeping, (Y/N) was Bored, and Ryuko was Glaring at the teacher...........

(Y/N): Author-kun, Da fuq u on abo-

(Y/N) turns to see Ryuko Glaring at Aikuro.

(Y/N): huh. You got me there Author-Kun.

Author: Hey ya got any flex seal?

(Y/N): No, Why?

Author: Oh no reason....

*The Fourth wall cracks in the background.*

Author: A-anyway get back to the story.

(Y/N): ........Whatever....

Class had ended and (Y/N) ended up seeing Ryko Chase after the teacher.

(Y/N): This could be interesting.

(Y/N) Follows Ryuko only to see her flail around Confused.

Mako: RYUKO-CHAN! (Y/N)!

Mako then jumps at Ryuko trying to hug her, Ryuko simply grabs her, spins her around, and places her around. She then notices the note on Mako's back.

Ryuko: Hey! This is-

(Y/N): "See me after school where we met before -Aikuro Mikisugi." My, is there something going on between the two of you. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Ryuko then notices (Y/N) and backs away with an Embarrassed look. Blushing immensely.

Ryuko: Hey it's not like that!

(Y/N): My, have I touched a nerve?

Ryuko: N-Nevermind! I'm Leaving!

(Y/N): Oh my.

Time-skip to late at night.

(Y/N) Was atop the School Walls Sitting at the edge with What seems to be Ice cream in his hands.

(Y/N): (Sigh) It's late I should probably get some rest now.

(Y/N) Gets up and begins to stretch his arms and legs. Jumping to relieve the stress.

(Y/N): Alright better head ho-

Before (Y/N) could've finished his sentence a bright blue light Exploded, creating a pillar of energy. (Y/N) saw this and smirked.

(Y/N): It seems things get more interesting by the minute.

Time-skip to the next morning

(Y/N) was asleep on top of the school walls. He then wakes up to the Bright sun hitting him in his face. Flinching his eyes before getting up. He stretches his limbs out of exhaustion

(Y/N): Another day, Another engaging evening.

(Y/N) then takes a step forward before plummeting downwards with his head pointing to the ground. He then sees Ryuko and mako.

(Y/N): I'm gonna give them a spook

Before (Y/N) was about to hit the ground, He stops standing upside down being at least 5 feet above ground level. Turns out he stopped right in front of Ryuko.

Ryuko: WHOA!

(Y/N): Didn't expect that now did ya?

(Y/N) then Flips backwards to stand straight up in front of Ryuko. She then switches from a shocked expression to one of anger. She raises her hand and his about to strike (Y/N). She is stopped, however, by the scenery of Flags around the Courtyard in a circular Fashion looking to be an arena. (Y/N) then notices this as well and prepares his Sunglasses for what's about to happen. A bright light illuminates the Courtyard revealing Satsuki Kiryuin.

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