Chapter 14 Relatorum

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Gamagoori: Form up! At Attention! Listen Closely! Tomorrow. The Cultural & Sports Grand Festival will be held at Honnouji Academy! All No-Stars and their parents are to welcome Director Kiryuin from the spectator seats! Ceremonial dress uniforms will be distributed to all of you! Gather at the stadium entrance in these Uniforms by 8:30! Tardiness will not be Tolerated! Unkempt dress will not be tolerated! Assume that even the slightest breach of etiquette will carry the death penalty!

Gamgoori had given out his speech to the local few. By local few that means all parents of the No-stars and others too. Where was (Y/N) you may ask? He's where you think he is.

School Wall

(Y/N) was sitting on the edge of the school wall, This time without his signature popsicle in hand. All he did was stare into the sunset. Ever so silently. That is until...


(Y/N) gets up from his position to leave the school wall.

(Y/N): Alright Time to head ba-

Once (Y/N) had turned around he noticed a distinct figure. One with a hood on. They seemed to have the face of a woman. Unknown to (Y/N) this was an illusion casted by a chain of memories.

(Y/N): You! H-how did-

(Y/N) stretches his arm forward to see the figure's lower body began to freeze, afterwards the whole body had froze up. The frozen figure smiled with a tear running down their cheeks as they look at (Y/N). They shatter.

(Y/N): Wait!

After the scream (Y/N) had delivered, he failed to touch the iced figure in hopes to save them. He looks down the floor of the school wall.

???: You seem troubled.


(Y/N) lifts his head to see another figure. This one however is different from the one he previously viewed. She was tall with pale skin. She wore Clean white clothing. Feathers around her arms. Her dress matched the feathers having tips just like it. Her hair was brushed outwards, and she had hair with multiple colors. (Y/N) noticed her difference from an average person. He then returned to sitting on the edge.

(Y/N):  And if I were What were you to do about it?

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(Y/N): And if I were What were you to do about it?

???: If I were you, I would seek out companions. Let them take care of me. In exchange for something of course.

(Y/N): Hah, I've heard that before! And it doesn't help. Makes things worse.

???: My, My....

The woman in question begins to look out to the sunset.

???: Beautiful.....

(Y/N): The sun sets best, when it's a good day. Right now it's not anything pretty.

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