Chapter 18 Number Zero

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(Y/N) was on the edge of the boat eating his usual sea salt ice cream.

(Y/N): .... You can come out y'know.

Unlike before another dark portal opened revealing another hooded figure. The hood covering their face. The figure then walked next to (Y/N) and sat down next to him. They pull out their own popsicle. The two just stared at the sunset.

(Y/N):.... I know you're not physically here, so what's the lesson you're bringing me...

(Y/N) turns his head to the hooded figure.


Roxas then continues to eat his ice cream.

Roxas: .... Reds the one that goes the farthest....

(Y/N):... huh?

Roxas: Light is made up of many colors....

(Y/N): And red's the one that goes the farthest....

Roxas then turns to face (Y/N). he then points in a direction past him.

Roxas: If you have a dream don't wait...

(Y/N) turns around to see Ryuko confronting Satsuki.

Roxas: Act..

(Y/N) then lowers his head.

Roxas: They've become a part of your heart. As you, theirs. They're waiting for you to help them. So go and help.

(Y/N): Right....

(Y/N) then turns his head to see Roxas. However when he did, Roxas was nowhere to be seen.

(Y/N):*smiles* you were always one with words.

(Y/N) then gets up and stares at the sun once more.

(Y/N): "Got it memorized?" Heh, yeah I do....

(Y/N) then begins to walk towards Satsuki and Ryuko and begins to hear their argument.

Ryuko: If I punch you without holding back and you're still on your feet, I'll admit you have the strength to fight alongside me.

(Y/N): Strength isn't everything y'know.

Ryuko simply ignores (Y/N) and stares at Satsuki.

Aikuro: Ryuko, that's crazy! A bare skinned human would die if hit by you while synchronized.

Ryuko: She's no ordinary human. This is the great Satsuki Kiryuin, right?

Satsuki: Very well, strike me. We face Ragyo Kiryuin.

(Y/N): Good luck.

Satsuki: If I am to fall here, I have no chance of winning this battle. I shall withstand your blow.

Ryuko: Show me that you aren't all talk.

Ryuko then positions herself to strike Satsuki.

Ryuko: Here it comes!

The two simply do nothing and just stay quiet. Everyone in a state of suspense. (Y/N) simply smirked. Ryuko then pushes off the floor with her feet and jumps at Satsuki.

Ryuko: Ooooooooraaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!

Her fist was getting closer to Satsuki's face. Inching in every second. However things didn't go as planned since Gamagoori jumped in the way of Ryuko's punch.

Satsuki: Gamagoori!

Ryuko: Stay out of this, you bastard!

Ryuko again goes for another punch. This time it was stopped by Sanageyama.

(Male reader x Kill La Kill) May your heart be your guiding keyWhere stories live. Discover now