Chapter 17 acceptatio

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Ryuko: I'll smash you.... I'll smash you all!

(Y/N): .......too soon?

Ryuko then swings her scissor blade making the air around the area knocking the planes into the water. (Y/N) just stood there and took it.


Tsumugu then appears next to (Y/N) in a DTR that was modeled differently than the others. He then begins to fire at Ryuko. Sadly the jammers weren't affecting her.

(Y/N):.. Dude you know that ain't working right?

As if on cue Tsumugu was knocked back by Ryuko's air attack.

Ryuko: Still the same old Mohawk Man, piloting a mech that leaves your ass hanging out...

(Y/N): Yeah not a great design.

Ryuko: Just die.

(Y/N): UUhh... how 'bout no?

Suddenly there was a bright light coming from the ship's insides. Guess who? Satsuki? Bingo! However this time it was different she was wearing Senketsu. And had two Bakuzans instead of one.

(Y/N): Eh... Black's not really your color but it does look good on you.

Satsuki simply looks at (Y/N) before returning her attention to Ryuko.

Ryuko: Oh, so it's come to this? The three of you have teamed up, huh?

(Y/N): Eh.. kinda. I'm here to fight myself. I don't know why she's here.

Satsuki then looks at (Y/N). (Y/N) looks back.

Satsuki: For support.

(Y/N): ahh okay...... at least your better than some duck.

Satsuki ignores (Y/N)'s comment.

Satsuki: Ryuko Matoi, to think you were my little sister...

Ryuko: Don't get all big-sisterly on me now! You're making me puke.

(Y/N): ....... They're getting along so well...

Satsuki: I have absolutely no intention to. I'll crush anyone who's become a puppet of the Life Fibers, no matter who they may be.

Satsuki then transforms into Senketsu.

(Y/N): Again... not your color but oke.

Ryuko's platform then begins to fall onto Satsuki.

Ryuko: Let's do this, Satsuki!

(Y/N) interferes. He blocks Ryuko's Scissor blade with his hands.

(Y/N): Nuh-uh Your fighting me.

The force from the attack sent storms of air everywhere. Ryuko was putting all of her force into the attack. While (Y/N) had it in between three of his fingers.

(Y/N): *yawn* Fuck.

(Y/N) then grabs the scissor blade whole and pulls Ryuko in. He had struck her with his knee sending her flying across the deck. He then turns to Satsuki.

(Y/N): You take her from the front, distract her. I'll go above her and get her off guard.

Satsuki simply nods as she runs in Ryuko's direction. (Y/N) stays behind. He stretches his arms cracking the bone in his back.

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