Chapter 8 Luce

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Satsuki: Today, I am giving the Honnouji Academy Student Council system a fresh start! All students have the right to attack all other students! Secret meetings, scheming, backstabbing, anything goes! Seven days from now, reach the schoolyard alive! And then, use your strength to lay claim to your social standing once again! This shall be Honnouji Academy's first Naturals Elections!

Satsuki states as a giant paper with the words "Naturals Elections" written on it. The school courtyard was full to the brim with students. Ryuko, Mako, and (Y/N) were there listening too.

Ryuko: "Naturals Election"?

(Y/N): *smirks* This'll be interesting.

Satsuki: In this election, you will not be choosing some candidate! You will be choosing yourself! Your standing! Your Strength! Your way of Life! At 8:30 a.m. Seven days from now, a Sudden Death Runoff Election will be held with Survivors who arrive in this Schoolyard! Fight one another! Emerge Victorious.

Everyone who was listening to Satsuki were all grinning. Everyone with the Desperation to won. But one smiled for a different reason.

Satsuki: And I will grant you your Goku Uniforms anew!

Satsuki then looks to where (Y/N) was. (Y/N) had his hoodie on and all that was seen was a smile from under the shadows. She smirked then returned her attention to the entire Schoolyard.

Satsuki: And now, fellow comrades of Honnouji Academy! FIGHT!

Every student on the yard were all Screaming with ambition. Satsuki was back in her tower. After a few minutes a red dome surrounded the Tower.

Time-skip to the afternoon.

(Y/N) was sitting at the chain hunched over with a popsicle in hand. He takes a bite. He then lifts his head to look at the sky.

(Y/N): "Naturals Elections" huh? Satsuki What am I going to do with you? *smirks*

In the Classroom Ryuko, Mako, and Arikuro were looking at the Dome on Satsuki's Tower.

Aikuro: They're circulating finely chopped life Fibers at speeds of 100 m/s. Any and all attacks are neutralized by that barrier. It would probably be difficult to breach even with Senketsu's power.

Ryuko: Damn, I was thinking this was my chance to challenge her directly. She whips everybody into a frenzy and then sits behind an impenetrable shield?

Aikuro: It's probably the other way around. She's ruled absolutely here, and by sequestering herself, she's causing a state of anarchy within the academy. See?

Ryuko: I swear, I'm so sick of her...

Mako: Look!

Mako then points to where (Y/N) was sitting, by his lonesome.

Ryuko: Oh that's where he we- whoa.

Aikuro then caught on the attention train.

Aikuro: What is i- What!?

He lifts his glasses to see What was going on. In shock he was. And sweating both Ryuko and Aikuro were. What they saw was spectacular. Crowds of students surrounded (Y/N) ready to face him since he was a popular face. They all jumped at (Y/N) at the same time. However, although (Y/N) didn't move. They were all down at the same time in less than a second.

Ryuko: W-what the....

Mako: That was SO Cool! Go (Y/N)!

With (Y/N) he was simply sitting on the chain eating his popsicle.

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