Bill's Savior (Short)

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The Greens were at the Hospital, as Bill collapsed from a Kidney Failure.
The Greens were in a room, as Bill sat in a Hospital Bed.

As everyone stood around Bill, a Doctor was reading his clipboard of Bill's health.

"Papa, are you alright?" Tilly asked.

"I've Been better, Tilly." Bill replied.

Nancy turned to the doctor, worried.

"Doctor, is he gonna be alright?" Nancy asked.

"We believe he will be, Mrs.Green." The Doctor said.

"Oh my gosh, this was too close of a call, what if next time we're too late? Suppose he's stuck somewhere, or he's trapped in an elevator? Or who knows what else? He needs a new kidney now!" Nancy said.

"Well, I don't know what to say, he's on a list, but there are alot of people ahead of him." The doctor replied.

"Well, What are the chances of getting him moved up the list? Gramma asked.

"Honestly, not great, could be months before he can get a transplant, unless you know someone who's a compatible organ match and would be willing to donate on of theirs." The Doctor replied.

"I'll do it! He can have one of my kidneys!" Tilly said.

"I'm sorry, Tilly, we've checked yours, Your Mother's, and Grandmas records for compatibility, no ones a match, but you ARE a match for a little girl who's dying in the next room." The Doctor said.

"Oh, well how about we concentrate on this family, Doc?" Tilly replied.

"Well, the only Option is to ask a friend." The Doctor said.

"No, I won't put a friend through that." Nancy said.

"Well, then I don't know what else to do, you'll just have to roll the dice and hope a kidney comes through soon." The Doctor said.

After a moment of silence, Cricket walked up, looking upto the Doctor.

"Well, what about me?" Cricket asked.

Everyone looked at him for a moment, then Nancy Spoke up.

"Is that possible, Doc?" Nancy asked, looking at the Doctor.

"Well, I suppose, stranger things happen in medicine, A 43-year-old man gave his heart upto a 6-year-old child, worked very well." The Doctor said.

"You were the doctor who helped that child? Doctor, were gonna have a talk later." Bill said.

Bill then turned to Cricket.

"But Cricket, A-Are you sure about this?" Bill asked.

"Well, there's no harm in seeing if I'm compatible." Cricket replied.

                                                                                  -1 Hour Past-

Time has past, and everyone was waiting in the room, waiting for the doctor.

A moment later, the same Doctor came in, reading a clipboard he held.

"Well, according to these results, Cricket's a match." The Doctor said.

Everyone smiled, and cheered.

"Woo-Hoo!" Everyone said.

"Heck yeah!" Gramma exclaimed.

As everyone was happy, the Doctor continued to look at the clipboard, still frowning.

Everyone noticed, and Nancy spoke up.

"Is something wrong, Doctor?" She asked.

"The thing is..." the Doctor started.

He then turned around and shut the door, walking closer to the family.

"W-What is it, doc?" Bill asked.

The Doctor then took a deep breath, making Tilly and Cricket look at eachother.

Well, as a Child, Crickets Kidneys are smaller and don't have the compacity as an Adult kidney... for the procedure to work, we would need to transplant two." The Doctor said.

Cricket looked at the Doctor, very confused.

"B-But, I only have too." Cricket replied.

The Doctor looked at Cricket, trying his best not to scare anyone.

"That's right... the prosecutor would kill you." The doctor replied.

Everyone looked at the Doctor, very shocked and terrified, while Tilly covered her mouth in shock.

"Oh my gosh, Doctor, is there any other way?" Nancy asked.

"I'm afraid not Mrs.Green." The door replied.

The whole room was quiet, filled with nothing but the heart monitor beeping.

After a moment of quietness, Cricket spoke up.

"...I'll do it." Cricket said, quietly, but loud enough for everyone to hear.

"W-What?" Bill asked.

Cricket hung his head to the floor, refusing to look at everyone as he said this.

"...I'll-I'll Do it, ill give you my kidneys." Cricket said.

"B-But Cricket, you'll...You'll..." Tilly started, but stopped in her tracks, shocked at the situation.

Cricket walked up to Bill, and looked at him.

"Dad, I love you so much, you're like a best friend to me, y-you and everyone was there for me when I needed you the most... I wouldn't be the kid I am today if it wasn't for you, I'd probably be hiding in a Shame Shed rotting away with that Creepy Dummy I destroyed... I-I... I wanna return the favor." Cricket said.

Everyone, even the Doctor was bursting into tears at Cricket's speech.

"After all, I'm a Country kid, I don't belong in a city... I'm willing to give my life up to save yours." Cricket continued.

Bills eyes were filled with tears, as some rolled down his face, along with everyone in the room.

"Cricket... I-I don't know what to say, you're saving my life." Bill said.

"Well, you saved me from bad situations everyday." Cricket replied.

Cricket smiled, as he started to cry.

"And hey, We had a lot of years together, right?" Cricket asked.

"...Yeah, w-we, Uh... we sure did, buddy." Bill replied.

Then, the two then hugged, as tears flowed down their faces.

Then, Nancy, Tilly, and Gramma joined in on the family hug, as tears flew down their faces too.

(Cmon, you know the episode ends happily, so pls don't cry)

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