Cricket's Head Injury! (Interactive Short) (Part 2)

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(Answer chosen was to Tell Gramma and Bill)

"Gramma, Papa?" Tilly asked.

"Yeah, sweetie?" Bill asked.

"Hm?" Gramma asked.

Tilly scratched her head.

"I-I think Cricket has a concussion." Tilly said.

"Concussion? What do ya mean?" Bill asked.

Tilly pointed over to Cricket, who was staring at the wall.

"How are ya not blinkin'? That's not fair, your a wall!" Cricket said, frowning angirly at the wall.

"What the-?" Gramma asked.

"Cricket! Are you alright, son?" Bill asked.

Cricket turned over to Bill, giving a thumbs down.

"Yep! Doin' just fine!" He replied.

Bill walked over and picked Cricket up. He brought him where the others are, then placed him down.

"How many fingers am I holdin' up?" Bill asked, holding up four fingers.

"...Twelve!" Cricket wrongly guessed.

"Tilly! Where'd he hit his head?!" Bill asked.

Tilly opened her mouth to speak, but Cricket interrupted her.

"Wait! Can I change my guess?! Sixteen fingers!" Cricket said.

"Cricket! I ain't holdin' up any fingers." Bill said.

"The TV fell on him, then he started actin' like this." Tilly replied.

"WHAT?!" The Two exclaimed.

"Seriously, you didn't hear the TV crash?" Tilly asked.

Cricket tilted his head, as he wondered off.

"That TV was expensive!" Gramma yelled.

"Ma! Cricket is hurt, and ya worried about the TV?!" Bill asked.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did YOU buy the TV?" Gramma asked.

Cricket had made it in Gramma's room, where he snooped around. Tilly ran in and held his hand, leading him out of the room.

"Yeesh, he needs medical attention, now." Tilly said.

Cricket let go of his sisters hand, with a smile.

"Ah! I'm fine, Tills! I've taken hits to the noggin' worse than that." Cricket said.

"...Tills?" Gramma asked.

Cricket wobbled not place.

"Now, who are you guys exactly?" Cricket asked.

"Oh, dear! He's losin' his memory!" Tilly said.

Bill was very concerned, as Cricket turned to him.

"Ah! Don't worry! I'm fiiiiiiiiiiiine!" Cricket sung.

"Cricket, you need to see a doctor!" Bill said.

Cricket gave an angry frown.

"Dad, I said I'm fine!! I ain't goin' to none doctors!" Cricket replied.

"Boy, you better listen to Bill!" Gramma threatened, slowly drawing her sword.

"No!" Cricket yelled.

He then quickly turned to run off, hitting the wall once more, before quickly getting up to run outside, off to hide.

"Cricket!" Everyone yelled.

------What should Everyone do?------

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