Game Night Problems (Short)

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It was a normal night, and Gramma was watching TV in the living room, watching her Shows.
She sighed, peacefully, and smiled.

"Nothin' like some quality TV to get my mind off ANY Stress." Gramma said.

But it wasn't peaceful for long, as Cricket kicked the front door opened, startling Gramma.

"We're back!" Cricket said, happily.

"Ack!" Gramma said, startled.

Tilly, Cricket, Bill and Nancy walked in, with Cricket and Tilly holding a board game.

"Wow, can you believe that they have our favorite board games at the store for a low price?" Bill asked.

"I know, right? I couldn't believe it either!" Nancy replied.

Cricket and Tilly put the board games on the ground, and sat beside eachother, happily.

"Oh my gravy! I remember these games!" Cricket said, happily.

"I remember us sittin' in a circle and seein' who would win first in these games." Bill said.

Bill and Nancy joined the Two, and sat in a circle with Cricket and Tilly.

"What game do you wanna play, first?" Nancy asked.

"Hold on! What are y'all doin'?!" Gramma asked.

"We're playin' these old board games they had on sale at the store! These are our old games we use to play back in the country." Bill Replied.

"Can't ya see that my shows on?!" Gramma asked.

"Oh, come on, Gramma! Come and join us!" Cricket said, smiling.

"No, thanks, Board games are stupid!" Gramma Replied.

"Aw, No their not! C'mon, play ONE board game with us?" Tilly asked.

Gramma groaned, annoyed.

"Fine! But only ONE game." Gramma said, annoyed.

Gramma got out of her chair and sat beside Cricket and Nancy, crossing her arms.

"Okay, where's the cards?" Gramma asked.

"Cards? There's no card games." Bill Replied.

"Welp, I'm outta here." Gramma Replied, getting up and walking away.

"No, Gramma! Don't leave, play with us!" Cricket said.

"Sorry, Cricket! But the only games I know how to play is card games." Gramma Replied.

"Actually, we do have a card game!" Tilly said.

"...I'm listening." Gramma Replied.

Tilly held up the board game to Gramma, smiling.

"It's called 'Headbands', it's where you put a card on your head, and you have to try and guess what you are with some of the hints the other players give you." Tilly said.

"Really, now?" Gramma asked, walking and sitting back down.

After everyone had sat in a circle, they all had a headband, and a load of cards for each for everyone.
It was Tilly who had the first turn, and Bill put a card in her headband, revealing it to be a parrot.

"Okay, What am I?" Tilly asked.

And just like that, everyone except Gramma started giving out hints.

"You're a type a bird." Nancy asked.

"Um, an eagle?" Tilly guessed.

"Oh, no, FAR from it, honey." Bill Replied.

"Uh, Seagull?" Tilly guessed.

"No, you're colorful." Cricket said.

"Huh? Oh! A Parrot!" Tilly said, smiling.

"Heck yeah! Ya got it." Nancy cheered, along with everyone cheering as well.

"Okay, My turn!" Bill said, smiling.

Nancy then put a card in Bill's headband, smiling.
The card said 'Crab'.

"So, What am I?" Bill asked.

Gramma took one look, and smiled.

"Heh, you had them once." Gramma Replied, chuckling.

Nancy blushed a bit, while Cricket and Tilly frowned and tilted their heads, confused.

"Um, a flea?" Bill guessed.

"Nope!" Gramma Replied.

"Uh, I think we're gonna skip that one." Nancy said, taking the card out of Bill's headband.

The game then led to Cricket, with Tilly putting in a card in his headband.
It said 'Werewolf'.

"Okay, What am I?" Cricket asked.

"Uh, it's you, but in monster form." Gramma Replied.

"You mean Dricket? So, I'm a werewolf!" Cricket Replied.

Cricket then took the card off his headband, and put a card into Gramma's headband.
It was 'Raccoon'.

"So... What in the world am I?" Gramma asked.

"Uh, you like to eat garbage, and steal things." Bill Replied.

"What?! No I don't!" Gramma Exclaimed.

"No, Gramma! He's describing what you are!" Tilly said.

"Oh! Uh, A Ferret?" Gramma guessed.

"Nope! More fluffier tail." Tilly said.

"Fluffier? Uh, Cat?" Gramma Guessed, again.

"No, Sorry." Bill Replied.

"Oh, I give up! What am I?!" Gramma asked.

"A Raccoon!" Cricket and Tilly said.

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"I'm a What?" Gramma asked.

"You're a Raccoo-!" Cricket started, but was interrupted by Gramma.

"THAT CREATURE WILL NEVER BE TALKED ABOUT IN THIS HOUSE!!" Gramma Exclaimed, startling everyone.

As Gramma yelled, everyone ran off, in a hurry from the fear that Gramma's yelling gave them.

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